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Active member
Mar 25, 2013
Southwest Michigan
I don't know where to post this but I've been emailing someone on Craiglist about their chinchillas because they were trying to get rid of them and I usually try to help them out by sending them here and what not. I just got an email from them:

hi!urgent! is that possible we can meet up!? one of the chinchilla doesn't want to move much and not active as when i put it out too!
i just want to close eyes and get nap. what should i do now???
I would like to offer you a better price after you help me up!
contact my number #### tomorrow at 3pm if you are free!
!@($*&$!*(%& is my address!
I hope i can make it before something even serious happen!
I hope it won't die!

I don't know what to do. I feel bad but I can't take them in because I can't afford them and if I do take any in it will be the free ones I saw that were in bad shape. What would you do? I sent them the website of a exotic vet.
I would give them a phone number for an Emergancy vet and urge them to get it to a vet tonight!
Im worried they are just trying to guilt me but if they're not Im worried they won't take them to a vet because they didnt even want to put money into putting fleece liners down on the bar cage floor because its their 'friends' and they're trying to help get them a new home
One died. S/he said that it jumped and hurt itself and died but I'm betting its from heat if it was acting the way it was in the first place. I'm picking up the other one up hopefully today. I'm taking it to the vet myself. Our Humane Society doesn't take animals like that and all the rescues I found around here from the websites seem to no longer be up.
If you go get this chin, make sure to keep it away from the chins you already have. You have no idea what caused the other one to die, and better safe than sorry. You can try to contact some local breeders and see if any would be willing to take in a rescue too. Good luck!
Well I went and got him and he seem to be in decent shape. It was really hot in his apartment so I'm betting the baby couldn't handle it. He's on the second floor and my other babies are in the basement.