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Penny I tried the vet in Rittman, Wooster, and Copley and they all did their own tests and xrays and said they could not find anything. As far as how long the necropsy took I have never had one done before and did not ask how they did it, never really knew there was more than one way to clean bones. The DNA trsting they explained to me was to see if his parents were related much like what they can do with humans. Before this I have never had a chin get sick, so I did everything I could and even tried other options for vets. The reason I am pissed at the breeder is because I know several other people who all got chins from this breeder that have had genetic problems with hair loss and fur pulling and have had other chins die young like my little guy. He should have had a good 7-10 years left that were cut short. I have also found out that the breeder was shut down a year ago for breeding practices with the dogs she breed. I also do blame the vets, but I know nothing is going to come from that. Also he did do in for a full dental exam at the one vet and they said his teeth were great and they were not ingrowing into the sinus cavities either.
If you own chins, you will have the potential to deal with malocclusion and fur chewing, its just the way it is. From the large award winning ranch to the BYB, every herd has issues, and if the person who has the herd said they never had issues, they are lying like a rug. If you don't ever want to deal with it, get another type of pet. Chins are line bred, its not unethical so your genetic test is really a waste of time.
First I want to say I'm very sorry for your loss.
I personally have multiple rescue malo chins here. All chins were not deemed as malo unless I can varify it through an xray. Malo can be caused by multiple situations and not always should it be blamed on breeding. There are genetically caused malo, enviromental caused malo and accidental caused malo.
Through an xray a qualified exotic vet will be able to notice the shifting on the jaw alignment, over grown teeth, spurs and so forth. From what you're describing with how long this had happened, his teeth would've hit roots and a vet would be able to feel the bumbles on the lower jaw along with the alignment. With the malo chins I also have what some vets call a skull drafting which has a drafting showing where the teeth should be and where it currently is.
I'm with the rest of the ladies on what your vet(s) are stating, it makes no sense. As for as the dna goes inbreeding that's almost impossible to know how far into inbreeding because all the chins are related just about from the original chins that were captured from captivitiy.
Since you do have other chins, check around the area for other vets that may be needed for the future. Sounds like they have no idea what they are talking about.