HELP-Baby turtle

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Fairy Princess In A Tutu
Jul 6, 2011
West Virginia
My sister came and visited me today and she told me how she had found a baby turtle about the size of a quarter without their his/her eyes even open yet. She said I could take it (after much begging my mother said yes! ) because she has no idea about them and frankly she's not very good with animal care. So I was just wondering if there was anyone on here that could help me out. I already have a empty small 2 gallon fish tank I'm going to use until he/she gets big enough to be placed into a bigger one. I know the tank should have a special light for it no gravel in it what so ever. Online it said to feed it chopped up mealworm or earthworms. If anyone else has anything to add please help.
I can't help much, but maybe it would be helpful to post a picture of the turtle so others can help you figure out what kind it is. Also, if he was found outside he's probably wild. Maybe you should release him back.

If you don't, you're going to need a MUCH bigger fish tank. Be ready to spend lots of money to keep him happy!
were going to get a bigger tank as soon as it get bigger but right now it can barely move so were waiting. Eventually he/she will be placed into a 55 gallon tank that we have, a few modification from fish to turtle though. We'll be going to walmart tomorrow for help
I don't think walmart would be the best place to ask to be honest, but I don't know where else unless therse a reptile store of some sort around you.

Anyway, with whatever happens, I hope the turtle makes it through and lives a happy live! Keep up updated!
Turtles were made to hatch out of their eggs and hit the ground running. If indeed it's eyes aren't open then there is something seriously wrong with it. If it's just got it's eyes closed because it is scared, then you should release it back into the wild. They are very good at fending for themselves without a mother, it's what they do.
I have to agree with Alicyn. If this is a wild animal, it needs to be released back into the area where it was taken. Baby turtles hatch and live without a mother. If its eyes are sealed shut, then it is likely sick, take it to a veterinarian, or seek a rehabber for help. But if it is a healthy wild turtle, then let it be that, return it to the wild so that it can grow up and make new baby turtles in the future.

If you want a pet turtle, go to the petstore, or watch craigslist. There are plenty born in captivity.
Depending on your state (and it is a majority of states), it is illegal to keep a wild animal as a pet. If it is a wild turtle, it does not need to be nurtured to health. It needs to be set free so that it is either naturally culled or thrives.
Since the eyes werent open we decided to keep the turtle over night. In the morning it opened its eyes so we released it back, close to where it was found but up further in the woods so it wouldnt get caught in the lawn mower or weed eater from my brother. My mother in law to be accidently killed one with the mower a couple of days ago. :(