
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Sep 20, 2011
Hello Everybody,

I'm a new member and wanted to introduce myself. :hi:

I am a busy mom of 4 - 1 11yr old & 10 yr old triplets, my husband is a Detective with the local Sheriff's office, & I own a Candle & Bath company. We have 2 very active dobermans, and one cat. However, all that is not what led me to you!

My daughter came home from school with a report to do in Science on hedgehogs. She did tons of research & was very interested in them. As luck would have it, a co-worker of my husbands was going out of town & needed someone to watch her hedgehog-Frederick.

Next thing I know, we go from doing a report on hedgies to babysitting for one. Can you all see where this is leading....My daughter took care of him (all animals flock to her) under my supervision & completely fell in love. As well as my husband.

We thought it over & decided to see if a hedgehog would be a good fit for our family. I called a breeder in my area & flooded her with questions as this is all new to me. Dogs I can talk your head off about. Hedgehogs, well not so much, lol.

After spending a lot of time on the phone asking questions & doing lots of research, we have decided to bring a baby into our family. The baby will be here in a couple of weeks.

I wish I could tell you what it will be, boy or girl. But, we are leaving the choice up to the breeder. Looks, color, masks just don't matter to me. What does matter is getting the right match for our family. Who would know that better than the breeder who is with them all the time!

There is a wealth of information on here & I thank you all for that. I plan on learning as much as I can & this is been a great place to start.

Hope to "see" you around the forum!

Hi Maria, welcome to the forum. Please don't hesitate if you have questions or if something seems confusing.
Hi Maria! Welcome to the forum! Your household sounds like a busy one! We love pics and would love to meet your new quilled friend when he/she arrives!
Welcome Maria, can't wait to see pictures of your new baby!