Hello & a hug, from NYC! :)

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jul 14, 2013
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to have found this forum! I'm Karen from Brooklyn, New York, and would love to connect with anyone in the area. I'm planning to bring a 3mo old standard grey male home, and am considering adopting his brother as well. I fell in love with them in the shop and would love to keep them happy and together, but am unsure of the added responsibilities and considerations of having 2 vs. 1, especially as a first-time chinchilla parent.

I am currently reading up on chin ownership, purchasing a cage, and getting all the essentials as suggested on here, and would love any suggestions and advice along the way. Thanks in advance, and nice to meet you all! :wave5:
Welcome to CnH Karen. :)

I don't think it's any harder or more expensive to take care of two over one. The only thing is making sure you are able to cover a vet bill if it arises. Some people never have an issue and others do, so it's good to have money set aside for a vet.
congrats and welcome !! - the only thing I have to add is make SURE they are the same sex before putting them together. Pet store are known to miss sex
Thanks so much, everyone!!

I'm about to go visit them now, and will see if they'll (Petco) let me confirm the sexes. Would anyone happen to know offhand how I might be able to confirm ages by physical inspection, as well? It sounds like the big milestones are at 3 and 6 months, and I just wanted to make sure I provide the right things at the right time :)
I second what Tunes said... I am a first time chin owner and I brought home a pair. They are social creatures and IMO your baby would definitely appreciate the company of one of his own kind! It has been really easy with two, not any additional work or expense with the necessities like food and toys. As long as you have a big enough cage, why not?