Hedgehog using a litterpan?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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he uses it for the most part. i think lol but at night when he runs on his wheel. he poops on the wheel. anyway i can change this or is he just gonna poop on his wheel at night? i always take the poop off the wheel and put it in his litterbox but he doesnt seem to understand he needs to get off his wheel and poop lol
Cleaning a dirty wheel daily is just something you are going to have to get used to. This is just a part of life with hedgehogs.
For hedgies, the wheel is their main litter box.

I once read about a hedgie who would hang her (or was it his) little hedgie butt off the side of the wheel to poop. But that's one hedgie out of thousands.

After awhile, you get used to cleaning the wheel and giving footbaths every morning. And even feel a bit panicky when you look and see a clean wheel... you start wondering if hedgie is okay... why no poop? why no running through the poop?