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Active member
Feb 19, 2009
So Halloween is only a month and a half away and I'm already planning. I just seem to love this holiday and it can't come soon enough! Is there anyone else on here who feels the same? What about costumes? What are you all going as this year?
I'm not doing anything on Halloween night, but I'm going to the Ulalume Festival on the 23rd in Maryland to see Dead By Sunrise perform (Chester Bennington of Linkin Park's side project) and I'm so excited. I've been having Linkin Park withdrawals this year since they're only performing in CA, so this is the best I can get. Got my pit tickets and the camera ready.
Last year I went to a bunch of haunted houses around my area.

Fear Farm was one of the haunted places I saw on a top haunted house show, and it was really freaky.

Alice Cooper has a haunted place here and it was pretty good.

I went to Field of Screams which was a haunted corn maze and pretty freaky.

Then I went to Twisted Big Top which was a haunted circus lit up only with black lights and you couldn't tell which props were alive of mannequins until they started chasing you or following closely.

I just can't stand those things. I get frightened easily and I have to keep my arms folded because I'm afraid I might punch someone :p and I don't like when they block off your exit with a chainsaw... Knowing me I would freak and somehow get cut on it. :rolleyes:

We didn't get any trick-or-treaters last year, so I doubt we will this year either.

I'm sure by then I might be near Tucson, so I will have to see what they have to offer down there.
I am assisting in a local haunted hay ride. I will be there as Medusa. I did the costume a few years ago and won a contest for it. I wear a black dress (an old Maleficent costume), paint my face and hands green and draw scales. Paint my neck yellow and draw the belly scales of a snake. I wear realistic fangs, the kind used in tv and movies, not the cheap ones. Costume contact lenses. I spray my hair green and style it so it looks like snakes. I made a head piece using a faux snakeskin headband and then glued a bunch of rubber realistic snakes to it. I have a life size realistic boa I wore last time. This year, I have my 4ft corn snake. I plan to bring her to hold for pictures with people. She's no python, but she's a gorgeous snake all the same. We are setting up my area with broken mirrors and I come out of the woods by then and jump onto the hayride, hissing at the people....I'm gonna scare the pee out of them :D
The county in which is live has a Halloween trick or treat safe night out for the kids around here. It in a old store that closed down, and different businesses and people from the county (Who are approved by the people over the safe night out) set up tables inside to give out candy and they decorate the inside like a haunted house with fog machines and everything. It's pretty neat.
Last year I took my 3 nieces and my puppy Mighty Max (who was dressed up as a super hero), I made his costume myself.

This year I'm probably taking 4 kids (3 nieces and a little girl who's staying with us) and my puppy Mia. Though I think this year, I'll just buy her a costume instead of making one.
I'm so excited for Halloween, it's probably my favorite holiday. Sometime soon I'm going pumpkin picking with friends, which I'm excited about because I always carve pumpkins but I haven't picked my own in years! I'm hoping to do a corn maze as well. As for costumes, we're planning to do a big group one, we just haven't figured out what to do yet.