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Link to Jesse's girl by Finn

Sorry link won't work anyone wants to watch the last 5 episodes try Hulu.
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I don't really think the situation is fair to either of them. I mean Kurt is a very effeminate gay boy living in small town Ohio, with an unrequited, obsessive crush on his friend. There's no one in the town really like him, so he idealizes the guy who stood up for him and helped him out. And Finn is trying to do right by everyone. After losing Puck and the status he's know throughout public school, it seems like Kurt is one of his closest friends, and that is an awkward situation for him do be in. Gay or straight, having a best friend have a crush on you is not easy.

I realize Kurt's situation just plain sucks (especially since I grew up in a small town in Ohio and saw what people tried to do to friends of mine), but I was specifically referencing how the parents gave Finn no warning or say in the matter of sharing a room, but Kurt's opinion was obviously considered. 2 only children suddenly sharing a bedroom is adjustment enough; the fact that Finn was the last to know and was never asked his thoughts on the matter, combined with Kurt's previous flirting (which Burt and Carole may not know about), and I can definitely see why Finn would be mad. At least Burt talked with his own son in some way; we have no evidence that Carole said a thing to her son before "Surprise! You're moving in with Kurt!" which isn't cool no matter what orientations are involved. and have all the episodes. Hulu is a pain in the butt. I can never find what I want there.

I loved Jessie's girl too - I thought he did a great job with it!

Oh, and 3CcMommy - You got it exactly right. It's like they did all this stuff and never even gave Finn a heads up. I mean come on, what "real" mom says "Surprise! We're all moved in and here's your new roomie!" She went on and on about how much more room there was in this house than their house - if that was so, you're telling me there weren't 3 bedrooms available? That was just a crappy spot to put her kid in and one a real parent would never pull on their own child. They may have been forced to share a room, but the kid would have known about it (and raised holy heck) first.
Agreed. Finn was roped into a very touchy situation for ANY kid. God, I love this show! Season Finale tonight!!!!!!!!
Moon - I look forward to this show every week. It's a highlight! This and House. :)

3CsMommy - I agree with you 100%. If you paid close attention to the dialogue (and yes, I looked it up to be sure) you would see that very clearly Kurt intended to have Finn all to himself.

Don't worry roomie. Mr. Ikea catalogue and I will have this all figured out. I am going to put together a palette that expresses who you are, who I want you to be (quickly changed to) who you want to be.

There is no misunderstanding here. Kurt is gay, he's got the hots for Finn, and he maneuvered the parents into meeting with the sole intention of having a chance at Finn.

Also, the whole thing makes no sense. Finn's mom says "This house is twice as big as ours. It has 2 bathrooms!" and Kurt's dad says "2-1/2!" A house with 2 bathrooms only has 1 bedroom? Kurt's room is the basement, not a "real" room. If this house is so roomy, he shouldn't be forced to room with Kurt anyway.
Tonight's episode was very underwhelming. I was expecting this big blowup moment (or at least a talk) between Finn and Puck, but nothing. The music was also somewhat boring (what was with Quinn's number? That was bizarre). I did love that Sue came back to play a major role, but even she was only entertaining for about half her screen time.
Actually, I was wrong about the finale - that's next week. My daughter is a LIAR!!!!!!

I, too, wasn't that impressed with last night's episode. I wasn't crazy about the music, and it was just kinda. . . blah.
Sue and Will gave me the oogies. Seriously, oogied me right out. I was holding a pillow in front of my face wishing for it to go away!

I don't get the big deal with Vocal Adrenaline. They don't do anything fancy or in your face. They sing and have pretty much the same dance moves as New Directions. So not sure what the big competition is there.

I agree that last night was very underwhelming. Finn as a rapper? <snort> He's so white bread it isn't even funny. Puck wasn't bad at it, but Finn was flailing around like Vanilla Ice. Not attractive dude.
Sue and Will gave me the oogies. Seriously, oogied me right out. I was holding a pillow in front of my face wishing for it to go away!

I don't get the big deal with Vocal Adrenaline. They don't do anything fancy or in your face. They sing and have pretty much the same dance moves as New Directions. So not sure what the big competition is there.

I agree that last night was very underwhelming. Finn as a rapper? <snort> He's so white bread it isn't even funny. Puck wasn't bad at it, but Finn was flailing around like Vanilla Ice. Not attractive dude.

Amen! I kept thinking, "IS IT OVER YET???" during the Will/Sue thing. And yes, Finn as a rapper....funny. He's got a good voice, but I find him to be a horrible actor. Reminds me of Chris Kline. Blech.
Although Quinn's number was just...strange...I'm glad they highlighted her for a song. I never knew what she sounded like.
I think the point of Vocal Adrenaline being such a huge deal is that, while both choirs are great, Vocal Adrenaline has been great for a looong time. New Directions is trying to become what V.A. has been for a decade or more. The way they're setting up the V.A. kids as a pack of bullies and stuck up little snots makes me think they're due for a fall.

That said, I'd describe last night's episode as simply "gross". The music was not up to par at all, the Schu/Su thing was creepy (in that 'thinking about your grandparents having sex' way), and wtf is going on with Terri and Finn? Do NOT tell me he's going to try to "hunt cougar" (or she's going to go after him)! The last thing Finn needs is another neurotic, poisonous, PitA female in his life!

I have to admit I liked "Loser" though. And Mercedes arranging for Quinn to live in her brother's room? Awesome. It's really helping their friendship develop after that whole "Starve off 10 pounds" fiasco a couple weeks back.
Interesting quote from

Meanwhile Glee creator Ryan Murphy is adding a Christian character to the show, he tells TV Guide.
'We’ve taken a couple of jabs at the right wing this year, so what I want to do with this character is have someone who Christian kids and parents can recognize and say, "Oh, look - I’m represented there, too!"

Read more:
Puck wasn't bad at it, but Finn was flailing around like Vanilla Ice. Not attractive dude.

Puck has such a great voice, and it's so counterintuitive from what you'd expect from his character. When he sang Sweet Caroline (much) earlier in the season, I remember being shocked in a good way. Even more recently, when he sang Beth last episode, it was captivating. I didn't find that to be true with either of his songs this week.

This whole episode seemed very pieced-together, as if instead of coming up with a storyline they just threw a couple of vignettes together. They pretty much ignored Quinn's pregnancy the entire second round, same with Schue's wife, and I take it they had to bring them back before the finale, but it was awkward.


Firstly, HOW COULD QUINN (and Puck) GIVE HER BABY TO THAT WOMAN? She hasn't exactly proven to be Mother of the Year. She finally gets her daughter (Rachel), and when Rachel isn't what Idina wants, she discards her. Every episode her parenting abilities diminished, yet Quinn wants Beth to go to her. This isn't frikkin Juno.

Secondly, loved everything else*! I really like the way they handled the placements, and the future of glee club for next year/season. Plus, the scene with Vocal Adrenaline/ Beth's birth was so well done**!

*Minus a few things with the judges: Weren't ONJ and Sue bffs a few episodes ago? And Josh Groban experienced a practically instantaneous character-personality shift.
**Though that was the fastest birth ever. Shoot.