Getting back to my roots!

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Midwest Exotics

CnQ member since 2003
Jan 29, 2009
South Bend, IN
As a lot of you may already be aware of, i have decided to sell out most of my animals, cages, web site, etc. After many long years of keeping my chinchillas not only as pets, but breeders i have come to the point in life where i want them back as pets.

Im extremely excited for this all to take place again & for my herd to be slimmed down to an oddly small size (for me) of 6 animals! Im still going to have the ones i keep in breeding trios, but that smaller number & ability to have bigger cages for them is going to be insanely GREAT!

If you cant tell im extremely ecstatic about this! Its been many years since ive had chinchillas on the main floor of the house & big enough cages to give them wheels, fun huts, lots of toys, etc!!! My computer room will lack silence & now be graced with companionship & the squeakiness of wheels again!

As sad as i am to see a lot of what ive worked hard to get to & a lot of the animals i have grown to love im REALLY looking forward to getting back to what things used to be.

The big spoiled chinchilla cages, wheels, letting them run around the house again, etc. All those things that come with being more a pet owner & less of a breeder. I mean, of course we still did those things when they have been "breeders," but there wasnt as much one on one time & some of the "goodies" you just couldnt fit or keep safely in a breeding cage.

I just thought i'd give a shout out to getting myself back to my roots & going back to the life of PET CHINCHILLAS! WOOT!!!!
Kate, if you are keeping breeding trios you are not getting back to keeping only pets. You are still going to be a breeder.
Heh, well since i have almost always had at least a breeding pair, it kinda is. ;)

Thanks for your spark of encouragement to my step though. ;)

Bigger cages, no breeding runs, etc TO ME is at least a bigger step in the direction of PETS.. So, you happy or not, i still am & wont be allowing you to rain on my parade.

Obviously, i know having ones breeding is still considered a breeder.... but having 6 verses 30 is a drastic change.

I guess i really knew better than to post something on here & expect someone show excitement & joy for my step along with me.
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It's fine to be excited for it, but to say you're going to strictly pets...but they're in breeding trios is kind of contradictory. Don't get me wrong...breeding animals are still pets, but even with one breeding pair you'd still be a breeder. ;) Have fun spoiling them!
All those things that come with being more a pet owner & less of a breeder.

I dont see anywhere i posted that i was going to be strictly a pet owner again, i stated i was going back to my roots. (which i am... since i was young ive always had a breeding pair.. before the internet, before the forums.) The line above clearly states im well aware its still "breeding," just far less. Im meaning it in terms of a FAR less scale breeder with very very few litters a year verses having litters all the time & BREEDING runs.

Sheesh, i see this place has not changed a bit & you have to be sure to use 100% terms everyone can compute because reading too deeply into everything still exists. What a shame. This post might as well just be removed. I realize why i dont come on here much anymore ... because every word is eaten alive. Sigh. I posted to share my joy & excitement, not be bashed because i didnt put things in toddler terms.

In my first line i said that i want them back as pets... yes, i do, and they will be when i no longer have small breeding runs that lack pure enjoyment & instead only cater to breeding. Im sorry i didnt state PET- LIKE breeders.

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Kate - The only one I see ranting and bashing is you. This place "isn't the same" as anything, and I don't see how you can make that comment since you haven't been on here more than a handful of times since it's inception.

It's okay for someone to question your motives. If they don't ask, they won't know. The way you phrased it, it sounded as though you were going to have pets again, not breeders. I thought the same thing until Menagerie questioned you on it and you wigged out in answering her.

After many long years of keeping my chinchillas not only as pets, but breeders i have come to the point in life where i want them back as pets.

That says you are making them into pets, no?
Sorry that i "wigged" out. I just didnt think that people were going to take things so literal like i dont have a clue that im still going to be producing a litter here or there. I figured if anything perhaps people would be happy to see im so thrilled to go back to something that i havent had in a long while. . . such as big cages, etc as i stated.

I took the post of the obvious to me that i would still be a breeder as being mean. I was clearly excited to share & others were clearly just as happy to point out what i never stated anyways. NEVER did i say i was OUT OF BREEDING. So, i found their responses unfair.
Anywhere you post you should give thought to what you write. People read what you post...not your mind or intentions. ;)
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Again, I see no point to the rambling post, so I'm deleting it. Kate, trust me, people have plenty to do with their lives rather than discuss whether you are a pet breeder or not. If you want to give your chins big cages and wheels- good for you. No problem. If you don't want to be here, leave. Again, no problem. But stop creating drama where there is none.

With that, this thread is done.
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