full grown or not

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2012
Orange County, NY
When are chinchillas generally full grown? Rinny will be six months old on the 19th and to me she still looks little. I can't get a picture on my computer right now but if I can get an age that would help.

I am just wondering because I got her when she was only about 3 months old and everyone says shes bigger now but to me she looks the same as she always did
Six months isn't anywhere near full grown...or at least most of the time it isn't. Chins grow at different rates, it's hard to say when all chins are full grown. Some are full grown at a year, or two years. At six months Rinny should look like a juvenile chin...not quite a baby but definitely not a full grown adult.

If you have to generalize, all chins are full grown by maybe 2 1/2 or 3 years of age...that is they have reached their full size and weight. I've had a few chins that will continue to fill out past the age of 2.
Six months isn't anywhere near full grown...or at least most of the time it isn't. Chins grow at different rates, it's hard to say when all chins are full grown. Some are full grown at a year, or two years. At six months Rinny should look like a juvenile chin...not quite a baby but definitely not a full grown adult.

If you have to generalize, all chins are full grown by maybe 2 1/2 or 3 years of age...that is they have reached their full size and weight. I've had a few chins that will continue to fill out past the age of 2.

Wow thats a lot longer then I thought. I wanted to check because everyone says she looks bigger but because I see her all the time I cant really tell.

Thank you for the information.
lol, well of course she looks bigger, she was a baby and now she's growing up! (but she's no where near being a full grown up just yet ;) )

Edit: Also, are you keeping track of her weight on a weekly or monthly basis or anything? You should see gains there as she continues to grow, also, if you're not watching her weight you might want to start. Weight loss is sometimes the only early warning sign you get with a chin when something is the matter, so it's a good idea to keep track (digital scale, grams)
Each chin varries in growth just like people. Some lines are done growing at 1 yr old and other can take 2+. Color also makes a differance. I have seen a lot of ebony lines that take 2 yrs to fully grow.
Also, are you keeping track of her weight on a weekly or monthly basis or anything? You should see gains there as she continues to grow, also, if you're not watching her weight you might want to start. Weight loss is sometimes the only early warning sign you get with a chin when something is the matter, so it's a good idea to keep track (digital scale, grams)

I can't get a scale because I personally cant afford it and my mom wont spend the money on one. and the chance of getting her weight with a scale is almost impossible because she doesn't like sitting still.
Keep in mind she is out of a litter of triplets. Her father was also a Denmark animal and according to Niels does not reach full maturity until about a year to year and a half. She is still growing. She is not going to be a gigantic animal. If I was to guess, she will be somewhere around 700 gr at full maturity. But there are alot of variables so don't hold me to that estimate.
I got her when she was only about 3 months old and everyone says shes bigger now but to me she looks the same as she always did

Thats the case for me to. I took a chin in of unknown age (but fully grown). A second chin about 1 year old, and three babies. And iv watch them all grow up over the years. And i never really noticed any of them getting bigger.

Until one day i realized that the babies (now grown) couldn't even fit through 5 bars now. (1 inch space bars) And i remember when they fit through 1 spacing easily as can be. - Or that the babies are the same size as their parents now.

Then it clicks just how much they have actually grown.