Fruit for chinchillas?

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New member
Oct 23, 2012
I just moved out of my parents house but they have 6 chinchillas. We have been taking care of chinchillas for around 7 years now and they are all very healthy. We have had baby chins as well and for treats we like to feed them bananas, strawberries, lettuce, and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Just recently someone has told me that is bad for them is that really true?
Yes, NO fruit or veggies at all. Someone else can add, better than I can, why it is so dangerous to feed this to your chin. Safer alternatives are plain cheerios and plain shredded wheat, slow cooked oats, rosehips, and there are chin cookies and chinnie "salads" that can all be given sparingly.
Giving chins fruit is similar to giving a diabetic candy bars every day.

For the other things like lettuce and stuff. They don't need it, it increases chances of diarrhea, and doesn't provide nutrition they need. They should be on a high quality plain pellet, not full of treats or seeds and hay. That's all they need to be healthy.
No nuts or seeds also. They can not properly metabolize fat and it can give them a fatty liver. I had a customer who fed the chinchilla nuts for treats. He died when he was 2 and the necropsy showed that he had a fatty liver and that is what killed him.

Just wanted to add, dried fruits and veggies are just as bad as fresh. Drying only removes the water.
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