First Time At Vet.. Advice?

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2009
Hey Everyone!

I posted last week about Kiefers eye being watery, and It got better and I thought that was it, apparently not as it started to water milky fluid. I found a good local vet that is knowledgable about chins and made an appointment for Friday.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice on taking him to the vet. I want to make it as stress free as possible. I am also a little concerned as he will not let me hold him still, I am hoping the vet will be okay with him. Should I be concerned? I guess they are the experts haha.

Any helpful advice would be great! thank you!!!
They might want to do a stain in his eye, to check for an injury (scratch, puncture, etc.). That would be drops of dye and a special light to view it. Most likely they will do some type of a burrito wrap on him to hold him steady so they can examine his eye. Vets will also routinely listen to heart rate and their lungs, which they seem to manage just fine even with squiggly chins.

As far as getting him there, chin safe carrier, some sort of bedding or fleece underneath, a handful of hay and he'll be happy. I travel 16 hours dragging chins around and mostly they just sleep. If there is a lot of loud noise at the vets, barking dogs, etc., I would try and sit as far away from that as possible, but other than that he should do fine. Make sure his carrier is out of direct sunlight in the car and be sure your carrier's doors/tops/sliders are secure before removing him from the house, the car, or the vets office.

Good luck at the vets. Hopefully some drops will clear it up quickly.
How'd it go?

I had to take my boy to the vet today for the first time. He hhas a urinary track infection. He's a serious wiggler and doesn't like to be held, but the vet was liike a pro, holding him in her hands, not getting nibbled once. He got the nurse when she wrapped him up in a towel for me to syringe feed him the gross stuff they gave mee, but only a warning bite-he's a sweetie:) Too good at wiggling, though, but not nervous at all with the strangers. No barking, bad biting (just the 1 little nip that didn't hurt), and he still wanted to come out of his carrier after he went back in and we were still at the vet, lol. Then my sister helped me do his meds, someone he's never really met before, and he was all over her, hyper again thank god. Hopefully your visit went as well as mine.

Ew, and I KNOW its gross cause the syringe got clogged and when I squirt it to unclog it, it shot up from my hand at my face and a drop got in my mouth, lol! Salty, hay tasting nasty stuff. He isn't a huge fan of it, so I know it isn't just humans, lol! The meds smell like cherries, though, so that can't be too bad. Its the food:p
thanks for the advice! and help.
I go tomorrow so hopefully all will go well, he hasnt gotten any worse
and is still acting normal and everything so I hope it can be cleared up with drops
or anti biotics!

I got him used to going into his carrier so he doesnt seem phased by it, i hope it all goes well. I will let you know tomorrow :) thanks again!
Oh, if you haven't gone yet, something for him to hide in inside the carrier would help, but something easy to get him out of. Also a treat for when they want to weigh him-Sunny made that VERY hard, so a treat should occupy him for a minute so you can get an accurate weight-something he especially loves. And like Tunes said, a handful of hay and something cushy on the bottom of the carrier. And a peice of applewood or something else for him to chew on and/or tear apart will keep him busy. I also covered the carrier while we were outside so he didn't get a draft. I have a huge peice of fleece I used, but a towel or blanket would work, especially since yours is having eye problems-if its something like a cold, a draft could definitely make it worse.

My guy knows my voice very well, so I talked to him a lot while in the car, also playing music quietly-he listens to the radio a lot at home-and while we were at the vet I kept talking to him in a quiet, calm voice, just letting him know I was there. When the vet was examining him, I kept saying, "Look at me, Sunny," not that he knows what I'm saying, lol, but I'd pet him or something and it actually did help relax him a tiny bit. WIsh I had thought of the treat while weighing him idea before we went, though, lol. We would've gotten a more accurate wieght for him!

Good luck and update us on your little guy.
You don't really need to worry about a draft since it's Septmeber. If there's a cool breeze, he will welcome that a lot more than he will the fleece blocking out his air supply. I travel winter or summer. The only time I cover a carrier is if it is below 40 degrees. My chin barn sits at 55 all winter long and the chins love it, so this time of year there is definitely no need to worry.

As far as talking to him, I have a feeling that was more for you than him. I think anyone experienced with transporting chins will tell you, they mostly just sleep. It certainly won't hurt him for you to talk to him, but most likely he's not paying a whole ton of attention.

The treat for weighing is a good idea though, something small that won't throw off the weight on the gm scale, since it measures in such small increments. Maybe a half of a shreddie or something.
i just got back from the vet! kiefer did super well suprisingly. I actually held him for the whole time, wrapped in a towel. he was weighed no problem and he did everything you said he would. With the dye and all. He says it is a eye infection and gave me drops called Maxitrol? to put in 3 to 4 times a day. and he has a follow up visit in a week!

And the vet said he was very healthy otherwise which made me happy!

I was very proud of him for the most part haha, and you are right, it was a lot harder on me than him.

Thanks again for all the advice, hopefully his eye clear up in no time!