Finally putting cage pictures up!

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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2009
New Jersey
I am working on redecorating my cages, this is them so far! I am planning on getting a chin spin for the top cage and hanging toys and ledges tomarrow at the petstore! Thanks to all the people who made me my new toys/ items :)

the first one is Mo's cage (top cage)
And the second is Misty and Cookie's cage (bottom cage)
I got the clubhouse from :) It's an add on to the playcudes set. It's the tower
lookin' good! though you might want to consider that those reddish brown 'snack shack' logs have sugar in them (as part of the glue i think), and aren't good for chins. i'd take it out.
Thanks guys :) And yes they do, I rearrange stuff sometimes though when I clean their cage. I am hoping on making some more fleece stuff and ordering more hanging toys and a ladder or two
Nice set ups.
BTW - I'm totally crushing on your BV. One day I'm going to get a BV boy :)
Looks like you're not too far from me - you'd better watch out before I chin nap someone...