Escape artist. what should I do?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
So my little chin has turned into quite the escape artist. I usually just put him in a box (with lots of holes in it of course) while I clean his cage since it doesnt take very long. But now he has learned to get out and he escaped today :impatient: so im wondering what I can use to put him in while I clean and how to get him in there because he wont let me pick him up.
also, here is a picture of my little gus gus :)


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well if it dosent take long i suggest a cat carrier with padding on the bottom or if you have the house shaped dust bath put that in then cover up the hole with a box or something.
Have you tried just leaving him in the cage? Mine all stay in the cage when I clean. They sleep through it usually.

Otherwise, look into buying an actual carrier instead of a box. Cat carriers work, and some people sell carriers specifically for chinchillas.
We got a top loading small animal carrier for them. It works pretty well, they like to run around and see what's happening while we have them in it!
If he'll stay, try to leave him in. One of my chins loves to escape so he can play, my other one doesn't let me do anything but be mommy-jungle-gym if I barely stick my arms in her cage. Otherwise your best bet is getting a real carrier.
i second the carrier idea. or get a play pen for him to run around in while you clean the cage.

i see in your photo a white blob of stuff. is that the fluffy stuff commonly sold for hamsters and gerbils to make nests of? not safe for chins, as they can chew and eat it and get an impaction. remove it from the cage immediately.

carefresh bedding is also considered unsafe. it expands when wet, so if your chin eats some it will expand in the digestive tract, causing impaction. better to use kiln dried pine or aspen shavings, or put a couple layers of anti-pill polar fleece down on the cage floor.
Thanks for the advice, I'll probably have to get him a carrier than because he tries to escape as soon as I open the door if I'm not paying attention to him. And the white stuff I took it out the day after I got it, it came in the little nest thing I bought him.