Double checking vet diagnosis

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2011
Southampton, Bermuda
Sookie has been having a little bloat off and on since we got this new hay, I discovered there were dried carrots in it and combed through it removing them all yesterday. Today she was restless during the day, hunched in the corner of her cage and her stomache was puffy. I grabbed some Timothy hay and water and took her to the bathroom, hoping it would get her going. After n hour she only gave me about 10 poops, 5 were round, 4 were small and one had this mucus strung with a hard bubble on the end of it. She was eating and drinkin fine but terrified of GI Stasis I took her to the vet. He felt her belly and physically checked her out (no xrays or feces tests). He told me she was mildly bloated no where near what I had feared, not to worry too much about the bubble poop and said he was going to administer 2 medicines. He gave her a shot (will call tomorrow to double check what it was, forgot to ask :banghead: ) and syringe fed he some charcoal. He claimed the charcoal would alleviate the bloat and help her digestion andtheshot was to get her intestines moving normally. I trust him as he handled her nose injury beautifully but I tried pigling to confirm both the poop and charcoal and have found nothing. Sookie has seemed ok since we got home, for being sleep deprived and traumatized.
I just heard this s painful to them and I don't want to sleep before I'm sure she's gonna be ok. My husband did pick up that medicine Ifancol so I do have that handy in case she needs it.