Doesn't like being held....

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Jun 25, 2014
We have an adorable (and stubborn) 4 month old we named Chernople. He's awesome! This is our first chin and we're so happy with him. We've had him about 2 months he's basically a good boy but he does not like being held. I know most chins don't but I worry about an emergency. When we need to groom him, or if we needed to get out fast or, especially I worry about this, administer medication or first aid, I'm not sure we could.

He does climb and crawl on us and lets us pet him. He'll sit on us during playtime and bond but if you make like you're going to pick him up, he bolts. Sometimes if we do get him picked up, he'll sit for a bit but he always bolts. I'm afraid he's going to take off and hurt himself. I've heard you can hold them by the base of the tail but I'm scared to try this.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it!!! I feel I should get him used to being held in case of emergency but I don't know the best way to go about it. Or am I wrong?

Thank you!!
If you had to medicate him, it would be easier to put him in a burrito so he doesn't struggle anyway, so holding him won't be a big concern.

You will not hurt him provided you hold him at the BASE of the tail, all the way up tight against his butt. It's a safer and more secure way to hold him (the other hand under the belly) than trying to clutch him to you.
One way I like to try to get new chins to let me hold them is to scoop them up when they climb on my lap or decide to otherwise visit me during playtime. I scoop them up and give them a quick kiss on the head, tell them how pretty they are and put them right back down. I slowly increase the length of time I hold them. Mine figure out pretty quickly that I'm not going to restrain them and tolerate the attention. Some of them make a game out of it.

This does not help with trying to pick them up in their cages however. They know that if I come after them in their cage, something unpleasant is probably going to happen. I get kacked at, sprayed and have a merry chase on my hands. I use a piece of fleece to corner and pick them up in those cases. I make every effort to make their cage a safe zone where they get to say what happens. So they know my trying to catch them in it is not a good sign.
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Thanks for the replies! Tunes, what is this burrito you mentioned? I've not heard of it.
I trained mine by picking her up and giving her a dust bath , so she knows the drill . they are quick to learn and associate things . in an emergency wrap her in a small towel but not too tight . I have my chin for twenty years now and she still doesn't like to be held . they aslo don't like it hen their back feet just dangle .
The more you hold them, the more tame they will become. ALLLL chinchillas can be tamed, it just takes time and patience. I have had some that have took years, but they still became tame.
i understand your stress Chernople! i feel the same about my chins. they will eat from my hand, let me pet their head, but not let me pick them up. I am trying to touch them more and more during playtime whn they jump on my legs etc. touching them more and more inside the cage too. it seems like when there IS an emergency, your chin will calm and let you hold them.

when i took my Zoey for a well check to the vet last winter, normally she is not a fan of being held. but she was much more comfortable with me holding her than the vet, so she let me. in times like that, YOU will be the familair thing and hopefully, they will look to you for comfort and therefore, let you hold or touch them more.