Does anyone have a Marshall Folding Mansion?

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May 1, 2012
New Jersey
I didn't think two smaller doors would be too big of a problem but it is difficult to get all their stuff into the cage. Where say a Ferret Nation doors actually open up completely and seems way easier to work with.

Does anyone have a MFM with pictures to show me how successful it came out? I need to invest in a new cage but can't right now.
Personally I love critter nations, I would stick with them. The folding mansion overall has good reviews, but one of the reviews said there is a lack of horizontal bars so putting up perches and what not is very difficult. They also had a lot of design and flimsiness problems with their cage.
I have a folding mansion cage and with hearing about the flimsiness, I customized it so it is completely durable. I don't have any issues putting up perches or hanging anything. I have never had a critter nations cage but I do enjoy the cage that I have. If you e-mail me, I'll send you a picture of my cage :) [email protected]
I have a folding mansion cage and with hearing about the flimsiness, I customized it so it is completely durable. I don't have any issues putting up perches or hanging anything. I have never had a critter nations cage but I do enjoy the cage that I have. If you e-mail me, I'll send you a picture of my cage :) [email protected]

You should upload your photos here to keep this thread alive and to help out folks that might have the same question :)