Do you think a 13 week old chin would fit thru 1 inch bars?

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Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Georgetown, Ohio
I will be bringing home our 13 week old baby chin in the next 2 weeks. I have a FN 182 and I wanted to get your opinions on if you think he will fit thru the 1 inch bars of the cage? I would hate to buy another cage to put him in since I have spent so much on his forever home...
i wouldn't chance it, a 13 week old is still pretty small.

what you can do is go to your local hardware store and get 'hardware cloth' and wrap it around your cage bars on the INSIDE of your cage (otherwise your chin could go through the FN bars and be stuck between the bars and the hardware cloth). use stainless steel wire to secure it to the cage. once your chin is bigger you can remove the hardware cloth.
It depends on the chin and how big it is. I have taken my daughters favorite chin out of breeding and kept her last little girl with her. I just transferred them both to the top half of a FN 142 and the little girl is only 7 weeks old. She is too big to fit through at this point and they both love the new cage. She is about 260 gms.

Maybe you can get an idea from Cheryl how much your chin weighs and if it is short and blocky or long and skinny. I know she is happy to answer any questions.
My normal sized adult boys are able to escape a 1-1/2inch X 1-1/2inch square. One got out and one got stuck at the ribcage. Both were fine. But no, I wouldn't trust your baby. Wrap the cage in hardware cloth (wire)
Depends on the individual chin. If theirs even the slightest doubt tho, cover it up! You deffenitly dont want a chin to attept it and get stuck.
mine was that old when i brought her home but she seems kinda husky compared to another one that was the same age...
I think it depends on the chin and how big the bars are both ways. I had a boy in the FN from the first day I got him. He was a slim 560 grams when I first got him at about 9 months (he was eating bad food, etc.) and his largest weight was about 720 grams. He was way too large to fit out the FN cage bars.

My current girls are approximately 250 grams and 275 grams. Pixie, the larger, is of a stockier build and I am not sure she could escape but Trixie who is slimmer might be able to. I wouldn't risk it however with either of them. I plan to take the hardware cloth off after a few months when they are too large to escape.

For less than 5 dollars I was able to get enough hardware cloth to wrap the whole first level. I got it at Lowes and it's 1/2inch by 1/2inch squares. I think 1 inch is much different than 1 1/2 inches when it comes to a chinchilla. When I used the hardware cloth I had plenty left over to do the bottom level too if I had needed to. If you were local to me I'd give you the rest of the roll! Just be careful it is very sharp when you cut it. We used garden gloves to work with it.
I stupidly had 1 inch spacing on the cage I got for my first chin. She was about three months old at the time and escaped right away. I had to over night a martin's cage the next day... But I think it may be the chin too, because it's 12 years later and I still have to keep tiny locks on her doors.