Do chinchillas get more mellow with age? Also, how do you bond with yours

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Mar 9, 2011
OK, So I bought a male chin about a year and a half ago. I got him a friend about 6 months ago (apparently not a boy like the previous owner said) They just had a kit 4 days ago :).
How has your chins behavior changed with age? My male (Socrates) has gotten much more affectionate and (dare I say) needy. Although he seems much happier having another chin to hang out with. She has taken quite a while to come around but we're getting there. I'm assuming this is because Socrates was handfed as an orphan so he was used to people when I got him. I love them all dearly, but I'm curious.... They come to me ( even the baby... he does whatever mom does. Its adorable) They let me pet them. Emma doesnt, but Socrates will let me hold him and stroke him and he makes that "aaaaaaaaah" face of bliss. Then he turns around in a circle to guide my hand where he wants to be scratched. he also loved to be on the keyboard while im typing. hehe Anyway my question is this:

How tame is your chin? Once you pass the point of trust where they let you pet them and pick them up and come to you, what can you do to bond with them further? I have no complaints. I'm just wondering if you've found any games they like to play with their people or any tips to get to "the next level" of bonding. I have read on here that theres chins that hang out with you while you read or are comfortable sleeping on your lap. etc. I'm wondering if those are things that come with age. Also, if you can share how close you are to yours that would be neat :)
My little guy who passed away did get friendlier as I had him longer. I am not sure if this is due to having to handfeed him early on or not. He was very skittish when I first got him. He mellowed though once you had him out of the cage. My girls however are crazy, bouncy little things. When I hold them they try just about anything to escape my grasp. Yet they come to me when my hands are in the cage and let me pet them easily there. My little guy never did that. It's really hard to say. I think all chins have their own personalities. I have heard though that they do get less bouncy and insane then babies are.

On a side note, I hope you now have mom and baby in a cage without your male chin. They should not be all together anymore. You smile, but an accidental baby is not something to be pleased about. It's scary and can lead to all sorts of complications. Also I am assuming you now just bred two petstore chins and could now be carrying on all sorts of ailments and gene abnormalities. One your kit is 8 weeks he should also be separated from mom. You may very well now need three cages. It is possible you can put him in with his dad and that they will bond and do well. Are you sure you sexed him right and that he is truly a he? I'd read up in the breeding area and keep a close eye on mom and your new kit. Make sure mom isn't dropping tons of weight and that the kit is gaining steadily. How old are your chins? Also, how far apart are your bar spacings? Are their ledges in your cage? I worry about your little guy and how he will fare.
I've only had my chin for about 7-8 months, but she was very friendly when we got her. Over time though she started trusting me more and more. She'll let me do most things with her, like play with her ears, paws, tail, scratch, and she loves to jump all over and use me like a jungle gym. Every day she is trusting me more and more, but there are some things she won't let me do, like hold her and touch her back.

She comes to me when I call her, and sometimes she'll mimic what I say by moving her mouth, it's super cute. As I'm cleaning her cage, she's right there on my lap and will jump on my hand as soon as I offer it, she'll even sit on my shoulder for a while. Something that helped her bond with me as her eatting on my lap. One day I was refilling her hay and had the hay bag on my lap, she jumped up and was eatting out of the bag, so I took a handful and let her eat out of my hand. Now she'll expect me to let her sit on my lap and eat the hay!

I think if you give your chins time, they will opening up and bond with you even more. It's amazing how much trust those little guys put into someone, they treat you like another chin!
On a side note, I hope you now have mom and baby in a cage without your male chin. They should not be all together anymore. You smile, but an accidental baby is not something to be pleased about. It's scary and can lead to all sorts of complications. Also I am assuming you now just bred two petstore chins and could now be carrying on all sorts of ailments and gene abnormalities. One your kit is 8 weeks he should also be separated from mom. You may very well now need three cages. It is possible you can put him in with his dad and that they will bond and do well. Are you sure you sexed him right and that he is truly a he? I'd read up in the breeding area and keep a close eye on mom and your new kit. Make sure mom isn't dropping tons of weight and that the kit is gaining steadily. How old are your chins? Also, how far apart are your bar spacings? Are their ledges in your cage? I worry about your little guy and how he will fare.

I'm really glad someone said this in the thread so early on, I was going to say the same thing but you beat me too it!
They're both from reputable breeders. A little young. He's 2 she's 1. Its ok guys I'm not an ignorant owner. I did my research was prepared... It's not a real surprise... As much of a surprise as a csi ending. I separated the male immediately I have separate cages. I sexes him correctly. I know he needs to be be separated from her after weaning. I don't Know why you'd assume that they're for pet stores and that I'm a bad pet owner. Believe me, my chins have it better than I do. I know there's ignorant owners and idiots but I'm not one. Though I do apprEciate the concern. Since I've only been an owner for 2 years and a bit and this is my first baby I was curious what it would be like at yEar 5 and 10. I suppose I brought up 2 unrelated topics. Btw the baby is doing well. Gaining weight normally and nibbling on hay and trying at the pellets. Dad is getting neutered in the very near future. I need to take the day off work bc the only vet ive seen recommended is 3 hours away. I'd like to wait until the baby is 6 weeks or so before I skip town. I like to be around to handle him daily. Anywho, your input and stories are appreciated. How have your chins hanged over the years? I realized today mine thinks my bed is his.
I think so; when I first got Jasper I'd never dream of leaving her cage door open and walking away because she'd be out in a flash... I've noticed over the past year or so it's not an issue. She doesn't even bother going to door unless I put the step ladder out so she knows it playtime. I've also found that she doesn't play in her wheel as much as when she was younger.
they treat you like another chin!

You know what, I realized this a few weeks ago. Socrates is sort of *ssssh* the favorite. Only because during playtime he sits right on top of me. He loves hanging out in my laundry :wacko: and I have a lot of trust in him as much as he does in me. I can walk around the house with him perched on my shoulder no prob. Ever since emma had the baby she is much much nicer to me. She has always been friendly, curious, and hyper. Watching them interact through the bars, I can tell the way he treats me is the same way he interacts with them.(cages are 4 inches away so they dont get lonely.. hehe) She is really coming around which is weird because from what I had read females get more defensice and apprehensive about you after. Its almost like she sees me come by and thinks "YAY THE BABYSITTER IS HERE"