Different sizes

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
Salem OR
Ezio is 3.5 months old, Altair is about 3 months old. Ezio is skinnier than Altair. Not in a sickly way, but still smaller. Altair is showing to be the dominant one and food is often what they argue over. Ezio is more active, so I know that could account for some of it.

Before it's suggested about weighing them, I don't have a scale. I can't find a cheapish one. Even if I had one, I can't get them to let me pick them up without a fight. They don't sit still.

I want to know if I should be worried at all about there being a bit of difference in weight? Or should I just attribute it to Ezio runs around more and Altair likes to relax more? Maybe Altair is just a natural big boy?
Altair is showing to be the dominant one and food is often what they argue over.

Do you have 2 food bowls in the cage? That would probably help with the food dominance. You can also snip Altair's whiskers back to put him in his place.

ETA: Just found this scale on Amazon for 7 bucks :neener: If you go to school and have an .edu e-mail address then you can sign up for Amazon Prime and get free shipping too! http://www.amazon.com/American-Weigh-Signature-Digital-Pocket/dp/B002SC3LLS/ref=sr_1_5?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1295879338&sr=1-5
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Tati...whoa! I've been searching and am only finding digital gram scales for $50+ But I also need to know how to get them to sit still, without a treat-too young for them

I didn't have 2 bowls until the other day when Jeremy told me. They just started the dominance thing this week. I now have to identical bowls that I take out and put in at the same time. I've been contemplating getting a second water bottle, but they don't fight over that. I had asked about snipping Altair's whiskers but was told to wait until it was necessary. He did, however, chew down one side of Ezio's whiskers.

I'm gonna go order that scale right now!
I think that scale linked will be too small, I found it here and the dimensions for the platform are only 2.5 x 3, so I know you have small chins but that wont really be all that practical.

I just ordered this one which is 9 x 6 so it will fit even if I have to put a bowl on it for one of my boys to sit in.
I have a kind of odd way of weighing my guys. I do it one of two ways-
1) Tare the fishbowl, put one in there and hold my hand over it while it weighs them. They really hate that way.
2) Hold a shreddie over their heads so that they reach for it then hold it over the scale long enough for it to register their weight. This one is tricky but they are happy when it is over.
I hadn't thought about dimensions, Amy. Thanks. I just cancelled the order. I'll bookmark your scale and see if I can find, or someone brings up, one that's cheaper / better.
Thanks for the tip, Jeremy. I'm trying to do it without treats. I'll probably do something like your first suggestion.

Could I mod please put this and the previous post together. I forgot my manners for a moment :(
I got my scale at WalMart for a little less than $20.00. I have a small critter carrier. I open one end, set it down in the cage, they usually climb in. If not, I put them in and zip up the end. Weigh them and subtract the weight of the carrier. I do weights every Tuesday and it only takes 10 minutes or so. I give them a shreddie after and they're all happy :)
My scale also came from walmart. I know it couldn't have been more than twenty. I usually set up an empty butter container(we save everything) on the scale and put the chins in that to weigh them. It usually only takes a few seconds to get the weight and they usually stay in the dish that long.
My walmart doesn't have an gram scale, let alone an electronic one. They had one that holds up to 7 pounds that I have to slide around to tare it myself. I hate living in a small place!
Scales can be found in kitchen and office supplies usually. Try an office max/depot/staples. As for size Just like people chinchillas come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Often people think their chinchillas are too fat/skinny/small/overweight when it is just the way the chinchilla is supposed to be
At Walmart and Target I asked them to do a database search for a gram scale and they said none came up. I hadn't thought of trying Staples. I'll go there tomorrow and see if they have one in stock. Thanks for the suggestion!