Difference between my chins and a rescue

  • Thread starter chinchas4life888
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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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K so some people are taking care of my chinchillas while I am gone and they said that there is a big difference between this rescue one they are babysitting and my chinchillas. They said that one really enjoys being held and jumping on them and stuff and they said that mine won't let them hold them and do jump on them but don't enjoy cuddling like the other chin. I thought maybe the rescue was just an older one who enjoyed being held and cuddle. Maybe it's just their personality? Because mine are only about a year and a half or 2 years old so maybe they just enjoy running more. idk:duh::rolleyes:
Every chin is different. Some are more laid back, some more active. I never compare one's personality to anothers because that would be like trying to compare your personality to my son's. Everybody is different and unique.
Chins have different personalities so some will like to be held and some will not. Like tunes said.
Yep, as state above there are as many different personalities for chins as there are for humans.