Depressed chin?

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Active member
Mar 14, 2012
Hi -

Just got Thaddeus a few months ago and I've noticed that he doesn't really move around a lot when he's in his cage. When we let him out he goes wild, but the majority of the day (23 hours/day) he's in his cage, kind of moping around.

His old wheel was loud and cruddy so we bought him a metal flying saucer and he hasn't really gone near it other than to occasionally poop.

I've bought him treats from Christine (of Twilight fame) and he enjoys those, but doesn't spend more than an hour or so on them before becoming bored.

Does he need a friend? He was in a cage with his parents when we adopted him, but has now been alone in his cage for two months. It's a four level cage - we could block it off into two separate cages so that we could slowly introduce a friend... should we get him a companion? Is this normal chin behaviour?


I would consider getting a male friend as long as you are fully commited to having two separate cages for the next 15 years if needed. I have two singles in a 2 level ferret nation and a huge parrot cage with 4 boys. The single boy doesn't like to be paired but he LOVES being able to reach his paw through and touch the four boys and sniff them. They all squeal and race around but when Doesha isn't able to interact with them he gets depressed
The single boy doesn't like to be paired but he LOVES being able to reach his paw through and touch the four boys and sniff them. They all squeal and race around but when Doesha isn't able to interact with them he gets depressed

Now thats interesting. Haven't heard of that one before. I imagine that would be fun to watch tho.
I compare it to having someone come up to my patio screen door and we exchange insults and swear for a little while each day. Who wouldn't like that?

Sounds like a good life then LOL.

To the op, how big is your cage? And what kind of things do you have it in? When I got my chin, she came in a tiny little wire cage and two small wire shelves. She hated it, she would almost never move expect to eat and drink, the only time she was happy as when she was having play time. But when I got her a new cage with lots of wooden shelves, lots of fleece ect, she got a lot happier right away. You can see it in her eyes how happy she is! Maybe your chin needs a change to brighten up his spirits, maybe a new bigger cage, new toys, sleepy huts, ect, anything you can think of! If it doesn't work, at least you ruled out that. But who doesn't want more toys!
The cage is HUGE - four layers with lots of toys and more on the way from Christine. I got him a metal flying saucer wheel but he's still yet to figure out how to use it I think (sometimes I think I hear it at night, but I've never caught him actually using it). He's happy when he's out but he's pretty blah even when in his palace.