Chins Buns & Cavies ?!

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Yet another person with ESP who asked a question I was going to answer! I just recently adopted 3 guineas and have been keeping them in the Master suite since I did not know if they could be in the same room as the chins. I think, however, just to be on the safe side I will keep them in the master suite and continue washing in between visits with the chins and piggies.
And I also now have a clear and direct answer for my son who wants to get a rabbit. Thanks for all the info! :)
awesome!! thanks guys!! do you know weather the cavies can eat mazuri or rosehips?

I am not sure about the rosehips, but I know they can eat the chinnie salad that Crysta (Essentia) sells and I think that has crushed rose hips in it. Correct me if I am wrong, Crysta!

As for Mazuri, obviously they would have to have the Mazuri for Guineas, but that is what I feed my 3 and they seem to be doing fine on it. Well, the 1 year old Goldie is on a mixture of Forti-Diet and Mazuri since I was given a brand new bag when I got her and had bought a bag of the Mazuri. My other two piggies are eating Mazuri too with no adverse effects since they were on Small World Cavy food and I can not find it anywhere.
As for Mazuri, obviously they would have to have the Mazuri for Guineas, but that is what I feed my 3 and they seem to be doing fine on it. Well, the 1 year old Goldie is on a mixture of Forti-Diet and Mazuri since I was given a brand new bag when I got her and had bought a bag of the Mazuri. My other two piggies are eating Mazuri too with no adverse effects since they were on Small World Cavy food and I can not find it anywhere.

Both of you probably know this, but just incase, I just wanted to point out that since Mazuri is an alfalfa-based diet it should be fed more carefully than with a timothy-based pellet diet (ie: Oxbow formula for adults) with piggies over 6 months of age. ;)

I also wanted to add that I've housed all my guinea pigs in the same room as my chinchillas for over a year, and no diseases or sicknesses has passed between them.. actually none of my pigs and chins have gotten sick. I haven't heard or read anywhere that pigs can pass diseases to chins and vice versa, but definitely keep any rabbits as far away in the house as possible.
Hmm..I did not know that about alfalfa based diets for should I switch to a timothy based? I have two that are 1 year old and one that is 8 months old.

I know that alfalfa is high in protein, right? So can it have the same effects on chins too?
Hmm..I did not know that about alfalfa based diets for should I switch to a timothy based? I have two that are 1 year old and one that is 8 months old.

I know that alfalfa is high in protein, right? So can it have the same effects on chins too?

Not sure about it having high protein, I just know it is high in calcium and guinea pigs can develop bladder stones if they are fed too much alfalfa - I honestly don't know if this is the case with chins. If you want to switch to timothy pellets I would recommend buying Oxbow or Kleenmama's pellets. I feed Oxbow to my pigs, but I have heard KM's are very good also.

If you haven't already, check out and - both very good sites/forums for guinea pigs :)
calcium, that was it! Sorry it was a long day yesterday! I think I will start switching over to the Oxbow for my two male piggies..I got to looking and the female is on Oxbow already, but I had bought a bag of Mazuri for the males. ( They are in different cages on different sides of the room, so no babies! ) :)