Chinchillas actually enjoying/watching television?

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Philosophically inclined?
Jan 16, 2011
Eugene, OR
I've heard over the years that chinchillas enjoy watching television, that owners who have TV's mounted on the wall will turn on the television and the chinchilla will stop what it's doing and just watch.

This may be, and probably is a stupid question, but do they actually enjoy TV, or are they just frightened by the noise and sounds coming from the TV and freeze up like they do when somebody makes a sudden movement or noise?

I don't have a TV in my room, but I know that anytime I have music playing when I let my chin out, he is less active than normal. He will kind of just sit and not do much during his free time where as without music he would be sprinting around. I've always just thought they stopped doing whatever they were doing out of instinct so they wouldn't be another animal's dinner.

Yes, they do enjoy Tv - you actually can watch them watching a show. Sometimes they will show their people which tv show they like. Also they love music. Each chin has their own preference on the kind of music. Just watching your chin you will see what music they like. When chins just 'zone out' that means they are relaxed. When they get REAL active it 'could' mean they don't like the music or what is on the TV
I agree. I have seen Trixie sleep through the loud action movies my husband watches, but then pay full attention when there is music or shiny things going on. She also seems to like football. She will go back about her business if it is not something that attracts her attention.
My baby Evie had to be put down for malo last August, but she used to bark every morning around 6 AM, until someone got up and turned on Nickelodeon for her. She loved Dora the Explorer best, and would sit on her favorite ledge just GLUED to the TV while that was on. For everything else, she sort of half-heartedly watched while playing or eating, but for that one show she really paid attention, lol.
When something on TV frightens them they race to hide in their house. That darn Frontierville bear that roared at the start of the game always startled both of us. lol
Sterling and Micah take turns watching in the evening. No real preference as to what's on that I can tell. Gizmo really doesn't pay attention for more than a few seconds at a time. One night, Sterling was watching something and Micah got in her way. Oh My! Sterling kacked at her and Micah ran in her tube and pouted for a while!
We catch Amp watching intently when we have anime on, nothing else seems to hold her attention like One Piece. I think its the bright colors ^^;
When I had my computer in my room where I keep my boys, mine would watch even though I was doing things with my headphones on, so they weren't getting much sound. Haltija has always been drawn to moving images on the screen, they seem to fascinate him, he even watched screen savers. You can see it in the set of his ears, the way his head moves, he would get all excited. He would be running on his wheel, eating, or whatever, but he'd see me heading to the computer, and he'd get all excited and start running all over then go to the highest shelf and stare at the screen, and if I played a game or watched a movie or something, he'd stay there.
Mine watch tv, SometimeS when there iS Something on they don't like one of them will bark, I am not sure if it is a fluke or not.. but I think the tv does help them adjust to being around people and the noises, I think it helps and be more adjusted cause chinchillas are jittery. Mine loves nickelodeon, I think because a lot of nick shows talk in little kid voices like I talk to them,lol
i never rly tried to find something they would like watching or listening to. Tho with 5 chins i would guess that it would be hard to please them all.

Tho i can for sure that my girls, especially ameena, does not like my music or tv! She would start barking anytime it was on!
When I tell people Big Bang Theory is my chinchilla's favorite tv show, they look at me like I'm nuts and/or way too obsessed with my pet. I'm happy to see someone else posting about this! I feel like it's a sound of one of the actors' voices, because he stops to face the tv during the show in the evenings, and doesn't stick around for commercials or seem to pay attention to any other shows!
I love these cute stories! I wonder if Eli would like the tv.

Sometimes I watch shows on my iPad while I let him run around in the bathroom, but he is too busy jumping off the walls and such to give it much attention lol.