Chinchilla eating only hay?

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Feb 28, 2012
My two chinchillas are six week old boys. I just got them February 25, and I have noticed they don't seem to like their Carefresh Chinchilla pellets. Both of them have eaten little, if any, however they gobble up hay like there is no tomorrow (Timothy Hay).

Is it okay if they eat only the hay, or should I purchase a different brand of pellets? The breeder I purchased them from said they've been eating rabbit food - is the change in diet too sudden? Should I mix rabbit food in with the other pellets so they gradually get used to it? I'm worried that they aren't getting their proper nutrition.

Thank you.
It most likely is the change in food. Some chins are known to boycott new feed for a couple days when you change it. Carefresh Chinchilla pellets really aren't that great anyway. If you look at the ingredients, you will see it contains corn, fruits, and vegetables. These are all items you want to stay away from when choosing a good chinchilla pellet.

First I would try a quality chin pellet- Oxbow, Tradition, and some rabbit pellets such as Nutrena Naturewise, Manna Pro Sho, and another purina brand that I can never remember the name of. It is always a good idea to mix new pellets with old- especially with youngsters- to help their digestive systems get used to the change.

As long as they are eating hay, I wouldn't be too worried. Just keep an eye on their activity and poops, and get them a good quality pellet asap.
Oi vay! Where are you located?

Chinchillas shouldn't be weaned until 8 weeks in most cases and then kept for another few weeks to make sure they're thriving on their own.

What pellets was the breeder feeding? Carefresh pellets are garbage. You need to get something like Oxbow or Mazuri (available at most PetSmarts, or there are a few other acceptable brands if you're near a breeder). It's good they're eating the timothy hay.

What are their weights?