Chin water

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I buy my two girls the water in the gallon jugs. They are like .78 at Walmart. I keep the water under their cage at room temperature.

Same here. Don't ever use those Brita-pitcher type filters for your chins, it's just too hard to judge when to change the filter.
Same here. Don't ever use those Brita-pitcher type filters for your chins, it's just too hard to judge when to change the filter.

Hmmm..the Brita Pitcher I use has the graph on it that tells you when it is time to change the filter. It's pretty accurate as I can taste when the water is not being filtered anymore. ( I always taste the water before I fill the chin bottles ).
Hmmm..the Brita Pitcher I use has the graph on it that tells you when it is time to change the filter. It's pretty accurate as I can taste when the water is not being filtered anymore. ( I always taste the water before I fill the chin bottles ).

Yep, but relying on taste and a guessed/estimated date for filter change is NOT worth a case of Giardia. Unless a person knows *exactly* how much water they use in that filter and how many gallons/quarts/cups are left before the next change, you're taking a risk. Plus, some of the filters don't even filter Giardia at all. You would have to verify it on the specs listed on the box (which are HUMAN safe ratings, BTW). I'm speaking from personal experience on this one. My water tasted fine and two of my guys still got Giardia. Now I won't even consider risking it.:vomit:
sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is reverse osmosis water and where would one obtain this?!6
sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is reverse osmosis water and where would one obtain this?!6

I have seen an RO unit for sale at Lowes/Home Depot. They run for a few hundred dollars, plus you have to change the membranes, which I have heard can be both pricey and messy. My folks live in a town about 20 miles away, and the water comes out of the tap brown. They had a whole house RO unit installed by Culligan, and I think they pay about $20-30/month, but when the flow slows down, they call Culligan and they come over and change the filters as part of the rental fee. After going through the RO, the water tastes better than most bottled waters.

BTW, I just use a Pur 3 stage faucet filter for my chins, and haven't had any problems for the couple months I've had them.
we have well water here and even using the water softener sytem the filtration systems failed horribly for us. we were going through filters so fast because of the rust in our water and just not worth it. lucky for us our job brings us to a lot of marathons and we are able to pick up bottled water for free because if they open a pallet or case they can not take it back so for many reasons it is in the best interest for us and the animals to have bottled water. i use regular drinking water and brand does not matter most of the time it is brand name because it is donated for the runners but for us free is free and beggers can't be choosers.