Chin poop in his bowl, and eat his poop

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Jul 10, 2012
I use a ceramic bowl for his food. But my chin likes to sit in there, and poop in it. And sometimes he eat his poop.
To train him to pee at a spot, I gave him another ceramic bowl with Pine shave in it. I am glad to see him start pee there, but recently he also pee in his food bowl.

Recently he likes to rub his face on the plastic base. This happened after I introduced him the ceramic toilet and took all pine shave.

Any thoughts and advice are appreciated.
That's why I don't use bowls. If you don't want him to pee and poop in it, use a hanging feeder.

BTW, chins eat their poop. It's normal and necessary for their digestive process.
i have a hanging hay feeder and a food bowl. generaly my chins dont pee in it unless theyre upset at me. though they do poop in it. i just pick it out when i change/give them more food.
i have yet to find a good hanging pellet feeder.

ive long since gotten used to them peeing and pooping where they shouldnt.
I would suggest to use 2 types of dishes for food and litter. If both are the same type of material the chins might think that both are ok to pee in. I have a 5x7 rectangle baking dish for the litter and a 3 inch diameter round ceramic dish for food. Luckily my boys have never peed in their food dish, but poops are another story. I find poo everywhere.
As far as the plastic base, he's probably rubbing his face on it because it's a new feeling for him. It may be a good idea to cover the plastic with fleece or maybe even wood or ceramic tiles. The plastic can be dangerous if he chews it at all, he could get impacted and get very sick.
I wouldn't expect him to be perfectly potty trained ever, and it might take a while for him to figure out the right spot to go. Just be patient and prepared to clean his bowl often.
Basically just repeating what everyone else has said:
My Annabelle poops in her bowl sometimes, and I just clean it out and give her new food when she does it, if there's a lot. And she also eats her poop, which is totally okay, apparently!