chin playdates?

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2011
A friend of mine has a chinchilla and she was wondering if I could bring over my chin to a chinchilla playdate. I know there is a quarantine period for bringing a chin home and introducing them to your own chins, but what about having chinchillas from different households play together? They are both boys and her chinchilla isn't sick. I was just wondering if this is something that is ok to do or if it isn't a good idea.
This is a bad idea. Just because neither chinchilla is sick, doesn't mean they won't pass on something that one of them is carrying. Also, the stress of being brought to a new place can cause an otherwise healthy chinchilla to be more susceptible to any illness or virus it is exposed to. Finally, you can't just throw two chinchillas together and expect them to play nice. Chances are, one or both of them will get hurt or even killed.
Okies, thanks for the info! I just wasn't sure cause I hadn't read anything about that and I didn't want to put my chin at risk. I'll keep him at home and he can just play with me instead!
It definitely isn't a good idea because of so many reasons...not just that they could make each other sick. When you put chins together, who have not been introduced and do not know each other, there is a pretty big risk that they will beat each other up and it won't be a very enjoyable thing for them. They can bite and pull fur out and really make a mess of each other.

I'd keep them apart like cuddlebug said.
Well I definitely don't want FenFen getting hurt so I'm definitely going to turn down the offer for a playdate. I'd heard of chin's fighting but I didn't realize they could get so violent with each other. Thank you guys for informing me about that, I don't want to do anything that could end in my baby getting hurt, or her chin being injured either.