Chin hates rose hips?

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Jul 16, 2012
Hey! We gave our chin her first rose hip today (organic, got it from whole foods) and she took a bite out of it and then immediately dropped it.

Now whenever she goes back to it, she shakes her head and makes a sneezing type sound, but definitely won't eat it anymore - even though she keeps coming back to it.

Was wondering if it's common for them to not like it at first, or if they have a bitter taste she may not like?

I'll try to get a video of it.
The whole rose hips contain irritating fibers in the middle...I compare them to fiberglass. They really hurt if you get poked with them and I can't imagine inhaling them.

You can buy crushed and sifted rose hips that don't contain the irritating fibers...that's the only kind most of my chins will eat.
My girls ate the whole until I discovered the crushed now only Gizmo will still eat the whole ones! Try the crushed ones. They are really good for your baby!
My girls had the same response yours did - kinda scared me 'til I checked in here. I get the crushed now and they love them! You could probably crush and filter your own, but I don't know how they do it.
I have some chins who don't like them because of the interior. You can crush the ones you bought and take out the seeds and fuzzy parts and see if they'll eat that instead.
Guess I have the weirdos. I tried the crushed/sifted ones, and my boys just look at me like "what the heck is this?" They'll only eat the whole ones. They currently aren't getting any due to their current bout with the squishy poos. Gus Gus got out today and saw the container and darted for it. When he realized he wasn't getting any, he went right back to the stinky eye, and giving me the cold butt for the rest of the evening. The sooner this crap (pun intended) goes away, the better so my boys can stop hating me.
Guess I have the weirdos. I tried the crushed/sifted ones, and my boys just look at me like "what the heck is this?" They'll only eat the whole ones. They currently aren't getting any due to their current bout with the squishy poos. Gus Gus got out today and saw the container and darted for it. When he realized he wasn't getting any, he went right back to the stinky eye, and giving me the cold butt for the rest of the evening. The sooner this crap (pun intended) goes away, the better so my boys can stop hating me.

I have one chin in particular, who gives me a look, "really, what is this health food junk you're giving me??" You're not alone. ;)