Chin eats pellets too much?

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Aug 1, 2013
My chinchilla eats oxbow pellets and hardly ever has treats. He eats a lot of hay too but he ears a lot of pellets. His bowl is almost always empty. He eats those first even though it is just plain pellets. Should I stop free-feeding? Thanks for any input :)
I would not limit his pellets. I would switch up the hay you're giving him. Try different brands, different cuts, etc. to see if you can perk up his interest in it. Try mixing things up by giving him some botanical hay or orchard grass, see what he likes. Also, where you put the hay in the cage can make a difference. I have one chin who likes it up on the top level, and another who only eats it when it's on the bottom level under a shelf :p
How old is your chin? I have a 6 mo male and he eats 3 times what my 18 mo old does.
I second what both previous posters have said/asked. First, try to change up the hay...and the hay's location within the cage. Second, how old is your chinchilla? It may be a growth spurt if your chinchilla is still growing. If your chinchilla is full grown, it's still not an issue. Are you sure your chinchilla is EATING all the pellets and not wasting them in the bedding? If you're sure your chinchilla is eating them all, do NOT limit the pellets. Chinchillas do not over eat, they eat when hungry. They will waste feed though, and that can be both costly and frustrating. So, if you're sure they're being eaten, no worries. If they're being wasted, I personally would limit pellets to 3tbs per day until the issue resolves or permanently. IF you choose to limit feed you need to be sure to monitor your chinchillas weight. If you see weight loss, you need to be free feeding. The only real concern I would have with a chinchilla eating so many pellets is that they're not eating enough hay. If he's also eating enough hay, then there are no worries at all :)
Dawn, have you ever seen a chinchilla get smooshy poops (or worse) from ONLY eating pellets or primarily pellets? I know eating is definitely better than not eating, but I would be concerned about the lack of hay?
The OP stated the chins eats lots of hay and lots more pellets, which is fine IMO since the chin is eating hay.

a lot of hay too but he ears a lot of pellets

To answer your question, I have seen first hand what a long term pellet hogs outcome was, it was a 1100gm advanced elongation chin that was so bad that the roots broke the jaw and the chin was dead in 45 days at 8 years old. That chin blindsighted me, he hated hay and would not eat it, no hay no way, hindsight I should have put him on a almost hay only diet, I just did not know it could get that bad and he could afford to have lost some weight since the vet said he was flirting with fat. Future chins would have the diet modified if I had another pellet hog.
Sorry, I missed that :) and sorry to hear about your chin. That's about what I expected tooth and possibly intestinal issues. Thanks for confirming.

SO, as like Dawn and I said...eating lots of both is a good thing :) LOL!