Chin cried like a real baby???!!

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Jan 2, 2015
I was just at home on my off day from the Uni. The house is quiet, just me and the chins. Loki's cage is across the gallery from me, and I have her room door shut during the day because my dad is sleeping and works nights.
I was sitting in my room, and I almost fell off of my bed - that's how much it scared me- when I heard what literally sounded like a human yelling "WAAH, WAAH, WAAH" three times for about 2 seconds each.
My first thought was that someone broke into my house from the window in her room, so naturally, I grabbed my hockey stick and ran over.
But when I flung the door open the poor thing jumped so high she almost hit the roof of her cage. She was just sitting in the corner, and I think I may have woken her up...
I looked her over, let her out of the cage, she ran around, popcorned, wall surfed, and ate a raisin. She seems totally fine.
So what on earth was that noise? It sounded like a person! I've never heard it before! But she wasn't hurt? She's galloping on her wheel and doing laps around the cage as we speak...
Lol yessss Muff screams like this from time to time. He's fine, just dramatic and very vocal. He's just special! He discovered his sounds and takes pride in using them quite frequently - there's no harm that comes from it, it can purely come from personality. As long as the chin hasn't been hurt and their consumption is normal, I'd just monitor behavior and weight consistently to make sure nothing else has changed.
My Rosey screams sometimes, usually when she thinks I'm running late for her play out time. It sounds like she's dying: truly horrible noise.... but it's simply all about getting my attention!

Also, raisins are kind too sugary for chins, and can cause bloat if given too often. There are lots of other treats that are healthier, like a pinch of rolled oats, or dried rosehips.
I grabbed my hockey stick and ran over
:laughitup: Sounds like something I would do when I'm home by myself - except I opt for a baseball bat!

Mine don't sound like kids, but they do cry and it does startle me from time to time.
Dessy has only done this once, and got mad at me when I insisted on doing a physical examination. Crazy girl, if you're going to give me a heart attack you're going to get a thorough once-over at least!

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