Chatty Chinchillas!!

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May 20, 2011
Sunny So. Cal
I read that many people don't hear their pets vocalize much, but I am experiencing the opposite. At first I was concerned that the sound was a complaint of some sort because it sound so much like when a puppy whimpers out of anxiety or similar, but after hearing some recordings of the alarming sounds chins make when they ARE upset or distressed, I am quite certain that they are not at least having those types of complaints! So, in the few sources that actually have a sound file to compare against what I hear from Peanut and his boys, t would seem that the little squeaky grunts and whines I get treated to are of their conversational variety only.

BUT WOW are they CHATTY!! They are ALWAYS talking to me about something, even the shyer one who doesn't like as much physical interaction with me is a big talker.

How much do yours chitter at you all? Anyone else got some conversational chins like mine?
mine are so quiet! tseng makes this faint squeaking noise sometimes but if he's talking, it must be to himself!
my gustavo only makes little whimpering noises when i put him back in his cage after play time or when i get home from work and i take too long making the room safe for him to come out to play
Voodoo begs. Alot. Its a cute little whimper. I learned its his give me attention noise. He does it when looking at me and pawing at the cage door, since I trained him to stand on two feet he does that now for attention.
Vincenza talks all the time. She makes her little whimpering noise when she wants attention, she kacks at me if I do something she doesn't like (last night I dared take my necklace chain out of her little hands) she makes more little peeping sounds if she doesn't feel like being scritched and on and on.

Our other one is quiet as a mouse except for random sleep barking. Though she is getting a little more vocal. Last night we had her out for play time and she was peeping a little bit.
Gizmo barks in his sleep sometimes, gives happy little squeaks during playtime (his squeaks are synchronized with his hops, so he sounds like a living doggy squeak toy!), and if he wants out badly he'll zoom around his cage, stopping at the front door each lap and squeaking loudly until we let him out...but beyond that, he's dead quiet.
Hah! Mine does the doggy-toy thing too, usually while running on the wheel, singing away while he trots at a medium pace. Sounds kinda like "Tra-lalalalala-LAH, TRA-lalalala-LAH!" and is very adorable, then ramps up to turbo mode at full speed and no time for talk then...

All three of mine are very talkative - to themselves, to each other, to me, to the dog, whoever will listen! They scold when I don't bring the treat box fast enough- LOL. And I am glad someone mentioned that sleep barking thing, as I have heard that too, but wasn't sure who was doing it. I was afraid something was bothering them, but I guess maybe just dreaming?

Actually, ALL my animals do something similar - dogs, cats, chinchillas... busy minds while they body rests in this house, I guess.

I am endlessly fascinated by these creatures and will just sit and watch them do their thing for an hour or so sometimes. Today the cat seemed equally fascinated, as he hopped up next to the cage and stared with me, purring loudly. He seems to approve now, though at first he seemed unsure of what to make of them.

I had no idea I was a chin person till I met these guys... Never would have known based on the ones I had seen in stores, as they are always just curled up asleep and not interesting at all. Wasn't till my mom came home with an impulse buy off of Craig's list that I got to see them being active and was quite taken with them (enough that I have since taken them from my Mom- LOL) I am also a night owl, so I rather like the company. =)