Charlie needs help...

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
This morning he was sitting in his swing and his head was just moving from side to side. I got him out and he kept doing it. I noticed that his eyes are twitching side to side also. When I sat him on the counter, he just walks in circles. I'm taking him to the vet this afternoon! Could this be an ear infection? It was like his movements were almost robotic!
sorry, I don't have any answers for you, but want to wish Charlie the best of luck and for the vet to find nothing seriously wrong with him. Please keep us updated.
Sounds very much like an ear infection but could be any number of things. In any case please do follow through with the vet visit asap as it is critical.

If it is an ear infection be prepared as the outcome is generally not good: I have had one that lived but not without pouring a lot of effort and money into the chin and he has permanent head tilt and balance issues as a reult of the infection. Please see the following thread:

Good luck!
If it wasn't for the nystagmus I would say it was a inner ear infection, but because the chin has nystagmus with inner ear symptoms, I would lean more towards tramatic brain injury. Make sure vet gets head x-rays.
I don't have any answers or advice, but do know that I am thinking of him and YOU! I know you must be stressed to the max, we all are when one of our chin-children are not right!!!
If it wasn't for the nystagmus I would say it was a inner ear infection, but because the chin has nystagmus with inner ear symptoms, I would lean more towards tramatic brain injury. Make sure vet gets head x-rays.

What is nystagmus? I dont know how he would have hit his head??
Thanks for the answers. I'll take him this afternoon and let you all know the outcome. Say a little prayer for Charlie! :cry3:
Years ago I had a bunny that had those symptoms and an infection was the cause. The eye movement is often, but not always, caused because they have vertigo and it feels like they are constanly spinning. Antibiotics did resolve it, but it took some time. I had to keep the bunny in a carrier for a good week padded with thick towels to help balance her until she started to get better.

If this is what your vet thinks it is, remember your chin will not be able to eat on his own until he can stay still, so you will have to hand feed. Also, the spinning causes neausea, so they may want to give him something to help with that.

I hope the vet can help.
By the time he was seen by the vet, he was much worse that he was in the morning. He had a tiny bit of blood in his ear and he was completely rolling over and over if I sat him down. It was horrible and heart breaking. Because he was a petshop chin, I didnt know his age. My vet said that it could have been an ear infection that caused the vestibular disease or a tumor (not uncommon in older chins). Without a necropsy there is no way to tell. His poops were the size of a tiny mouse by 7 pm lastnight. She gave him a 25% chance of ever being close to normal if they kept him and tried to treat him. I asked her (I trust my vet) what she would do if he was her chin and she said that she would let him go because he is very uncomfortable and will continue to be. I held him and gave him a few last kisses and then they ended his suffering. My heart is so hurting, but I know he is better now. Thanks for being here friends.
I am so sorry :( I know you made the right decision, although your heart is so heavy right now. May he rest in peace and forever hold a special place in your heart.
Poor little Charlie. I am so sorry you had to put your little guy down. Sending comforting thoughts your way.
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