cardboard & fleece wall panel

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Sep 21, 2014
On Oct 9, 2014 3:39 PM, "Meredith Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello everybody :)

I was having issues with my chin chewing on a textured wall during playtime.* He does a good job of trying not to chew on it for the majority of the time, but eventually its like the temptation is just too great and I end up having to put him back in his cage.* I got tired of worrying about it and so I tried to find a solution online, I saw some really cute ideas but I needed something simple (no hardware or sewing) and temporary (its a rented house).*

I imagine other people have done this, its quite simple, but I wasn't able to find any examples online.

All I did was cut a cardboard tv box into two big panels, taped them together, and then I covered it with fleece.* I used staples and hot glue to attach the fleece to the back of the cardboard.* After I was done I used Velcro to attach the panel to the wall.* There could be better ways of doing this, but these are the materials I had on hand to work with.* I think using metal tacks around the perimeter would look pretty fashionable on a different pattern.

Below is the finished product before I stuck it to the wall.* It works great!!* I was worried it would look tacky and stupid, but I rather think it adds charm to a boring ol semi finished basement. My biggest regret was forgetting to make the edges of the cardboard perfectly straight.

I only wish I had recorded a video of Roo's reaction to the new modification.* He hopped over to it, looked, hopped the length of the wall checking it out, then out a single cute little chirp (not bark) as if to voice his opinion. He is rarely ever so vocal.

I will try to include pics of him tonight during playtime.
