broken tail - how to tell

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Lynnwood, WA
I cringe even as I write this, but how would you tell if a chin has a broken tail? Would they cry when you touch that area? Would you be able to feel the break?
Well I guess first of all you would have to have a strong suspicion the tail could be broken. Did someone grap the chinchilla by the tail to catch it or pick it up? If something like that happened and then you notice pain in the chinchilla from touching the tail, yes I would assume the tail is broken. I would also believe you could feel a break, if the tail was laying crooked you would definitely be able to see that. As with anything the only true way to tell if something is broken is to have an x-ray, however I don't know what a vet would do for a broken tail other than to amputate. In any case a trip to the vet would provide pain medication which would be beneficial to the chin most certainly.
Did something happen? Is your chin in pain??? I'd seek a vet for confirmation of the break and possible solutions...ASAP.
I would think you would be able to feel th break or it would look wrong. I would think it would be difficult to break there tail. breeders often handle them by thier tails....
I would guess it would have had to be something a bit more intense to break the stated before, breeders often handle by the tail and when done properly it serves no injury to the chin.

If the chin was showing pain for crying then I would guess it is broken, chins hide pain very well so it would have to be dealing with a great deal to show.

aka-go to the vet
I had a few who sprained their tails, and another who broke it. Her tail was amputated directly before the break so that she could still use it to balance. The break was towards the end: maybe 1 1/2 inches from the tip. The others who sprained their tails would also cry out a little when it was touched. The one who broke her tail would practically seize when that area was touched. If you have any suspicion that the tail is broken, you really need to take her to the vet.