Broken foot but won't take medicine.

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Active member
Feb 23, 2014
My chinchilla has broken his foot and the vet has gave me
Medicine to help with the pain but he is having none of it. I tried to see if he'd take it without being picked up but he wouldn't but when I pick him up he kicks so much it can't be doing his foot any good. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this?
You can try the burrito method. Wrap your chin snuggly, but not too tight in a small towel so that his entire body and all limbs are inside and only the head is sticking out. Prop the chin on your lap and gently hold the head and cheeks with one hand while putting the tip of the medicine syringe into the side of the mouth behind the front teeth. Dispense a small amount of medicine at a time giving the chin time to swallow. If the chin squirms out from the towel, stop and repeat the wrapping method again. Good Luck!
I am more concerned about what is being done for the broken foot. Having some pain is not a bad thing. It keeps him from jumping all over because it hurts. Is he in a small confined space so that he can't move around much? What did the vet do for the broken foot?
The vet said they couldn't do anything for the break but because he is young and it was a clean break it should heal fast. I've taken out all the shelves in the cage and all he has is his cage is his wooden house (which he keeps jumping up on) his litter tray and food. The other chin is in with him but I'm afraid he is going to hurt him but I know you shouldn't separate them. Is there anything else I can be doing? Should I put him in his carry cage or would that be too small?
I would take him to another vet. If it is broke an amputation is usually the easiest treatment. I cannot imagine it healing well if it is broke.
I know it's usually the easiest option to have it amputated but I'd rather not if he didn't have to and as long as he isn't in pain. My vet is the only one who deals with chinchillas anywhere near me and so far she has been great. She has chins herself. I've just had to make the decision to split the 2 chinchillas up as the younger one is too boisterous and is jumping on his sore foot. He's had a few snarls thrown his way and I don't want him to get hurt as well. I've been given a tip on putting the medicine in a raisin. Is their something else less sugary you guys could suggest or do you think that'll be ok short term? We have another appointment next Friday to have another X-ray and check up so I just want him to be as comfortable as possible. I'm making sure he isnt nibbling at his bad foot as I've been told this is a sign it's hurting x
So today I've weighed him and he has lost 20g since Friday. He is eating if I hand feed him hay and pellets. He's never been a big eater and I've tried switching up hay etc but he only eats small amounts. I've stopped giving any treats since he had tummy problems but gave him a shreddies tonight with his meds on if and he wolfed it down. Is he just being meg fussy?
Even if it's a clear break, that does not mean it will heal straight without any assistance(splint, cast, surgery, etc...).

That being said, I agree with taking him to another vet or having the leg amputated. I wouldn't risk him worsening the break because it was left alone.
Vet called today to check up and I said about the fact he was still trying to jump and if there was anything else we could do. She said they don't do casts as he would just chew it off and pinning it is rarely successful. She told me to be patient and we would be checking it again on Friday at his next appointment. I asked her about amputation and she said they wouldn't do it unless necessary. I've also spoken to a breeder who I got my other chin from and she said the same. Surely the exotic vet who I'm seeing will only do what's best for the chin?
Not all vets have their information correct, expecially with exotics. Just because they are vet does not automatically mean they are correct.

There are mini e-collars that could prevent him from chewing it off.