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lol he's quite the lover and loves being held.
he let us pick him up right away and he just sat in my arm lol
and he loves the scritches just as much as Fluff (they both about fall over everytime lol)
some pictures taken tonight after his dust bath

enjoying some hay that we get from Susan (azchins)

he's so cute i just wanna squeeze him lol

he really loves mazuri pellets, he started eating them as soon as we brought him home

thank you :)

hard to believe back when i joined in August we were waiting to get a chinchilla until february.
well november we got our first one and dec 31st we got our second one.
these little critters are addicting lol.
Boos cage, were hopefully picking up the other half tomorrow.
i believe he loves the fleece.
and he knew exactly where to go to the bathroom. no accidents from him yet :) now if only he could teach Fluff what she's suppose to do :rolleyes:

Boos "toothpick" mess he left me this morning lol


Boo was taken out of quarantine on the 31st.
and he is now in our living room.
he loves watching tv now that he can actually see the tv.
the other day my husband and i were watching Greatest Songs of the 00s.
and Sexyback by Justin Timberlake came on, and Boo did the swishy tail dance.
needless to say that song is no longer allowed in this household lol.
my husband and did our first hair ring check last night on him, no hair ring :)

Boo with his yummy treat by Christine at Twilight Chinchillas.

oh those cute rolls :)

begging, he wasn't mad at us after the hair ring check as you can tell lol
