Bloating? or Overfed

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Active member
Sep 20, 2013
I got my chin about a week ago and realized that she may be either
1) gaining weight or
2) bloating

I didn't realize that when I wanted to change her pellets, i can't suddenly do it. When i realized, it was already 2 days since i swapped her pellets but i quickly gave her some of her old pellets back like a 3:1 ratio of old:new pellets. I usually give her around 1.5 tablespoons a day and she finishes most of it.
also, her poos have been consistently high in numbers and when i picked up a fresh one (i dont even know if its normal for me to be obsessed with analyzing her poos because I hear that you can tell a lot from it), it's squishable and dark brown. Not squishable to the fact that its liquidy, but mouldable

She doesn't seem to be low in energy because she does jump around early in the morning and early evening. And when i wake up to see her in the mornings i always see poop everywhere (assuming she has been jumping around) she does take long naps though during the day and starting around 11pm at night (then i'm asleep and can't see what she does)

I can't feel her stomach because she's still not used to me yet and the best i've done is pet her head (and that was once or twice) so i can't see if her stomach is tender or not.

Is she not getting enough exercise? or is she bloated? or am i just being very paranoid and acting like a worried chin mama =_=;;
Slight update: Actually last night I saw her popcorning around the cage. So I assume she's happy and joyful. If a Chin is sick then she wouldn't be doing that. Right? She still poops around the same amount as she did before. I hope I'm not spamming and hope this gets approved before someone answers my question without this info..
I think you may be just over worrying, nothing you've said really raises any alarm to me. Fresh poop can be a little moist, though it could be the sudden change of food that made the poo a bit soft. Lots of poop is a good thing, a chin poops about once every 30 seconds, it means their gut is working.
Are you weighing her? or why do you think that in a week she has gained weight?
Bloating would cause the chin to not really move much or normally, lots of stretching and laying around are normal signs of bloat.
Chins generally sleep most of the day and are awake basically during the coolest parts of the day waking up for snacks in between. 1.5 tablespoons seems a bit on the low side, so you aren't over feeding, most eat around 2 tablespoons a day, unless it's full of treats they don't normally over eat so if the bowl is empty fill it. She should also have unlimited hay, it actually makes up the majority of their diet.
Thanks for the advice

I actually didn't notice if she was getting bigger but my sister who lives with me said that she may have been gaining weight but I personally didn't notice much

I noticed today though that a few poops have been sticking to her but after I gave her a dust bath, it was all good after. I gave her a dust bath about two days ago so I thought she wouldn't need one until a day or two more later.

Is it okay for me to remove her pellets and letting her have unlimited hay to see if her poops become more regular in stickyness and shape? some of her poops have actually been smaller and some have pointed ends. Most are regularly shaped though. I actually have felt her poop and it wasnt sticky at all, so I assume that her fur might have just been dirty.

I know I am a bit over worried... but she's the first chinchilla I have owned and reading all the "their diets are really sensitive" and "they like to hide their weakness and you wont find out before its too late" is really scaring me and making me worried for her.

Thanks again
If she is eating and drinking, producing poo and is bouncing around, I would not worry about a little poo irregularity since the stress of being in a new home can cause it, I would not change anything such as pulling pellets.
Ah, stress might cause the poo to be irregular as well. That might be it since I just got her last week and i'm still letting her get used to her new cage before I let her out for play time in another week or so.
