Best litter to control odor?

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Another thing that stinks in a chin cage (real bad and real fast) is if the chin is peeing on it's hay. If that is what is happening use a ceramic covered dish (they sell them in the parrot section of pet stores). The dish can be attached to the side of the cage so they can't dump it either
I've noticed if the water bottle drips as mine do, and the bedding gets wet it does smell. So I put a dish under the bottles in cage and fill them with shavings and then dump it daily.
It helps tremendously.
i agree with others,

Kiln dried pine has to be one of the best with absorbing Odor,
I tryed aspen shavings But i'm not too crazy about it
The price it great, But it absorbs right after You put in
the cage but after the chins start going on it, The smell is...
Well, Not what i want to smell.

But, They usually don't have kiln dried pine SO ,i have no choice
but to get aspen :| , it's much better buying online.

good luck :}