Best bedding

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I stand corrected, sorry if I caused any confusion.:oops:
However I still stand by my statement that I have not had any problems with the pine bedding.
I used to use aspen, but it makes a wood chip mess if your chins like to dig or slide when they run around. I am currently using carefresh, but am switching to fleece soon. I have to make the sets of liners over my college winter break with some help from my fiance and his mom, lol.
I use aspen bedding from Petsmart. The bedding from Petco is so dusty!
Aspen bedding may be useful if you want to litter train your chins. Simply scoop up the soiled bedding into the litter box. Fleece liners would be easy if you don't mind laundering every week.