Beginnings of bumblefoot?

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Active member
Jan 9, 2015
Hi all,

My furbaby loves running on his chin spin at full tilt and he's a little fatty so he does have calluses and a bit of "flipper foot". I worry that he will develop bumblefoot so I've been rubbing vitamin E oil on his feet once daily for the past 2 weeks. He pretty much hates me now and doesn't want to come out EVER :( he just hides in the corner when I open the door and stick my hand in because I keep putting this nasty stuff on his feet.

He doesn't have a wire floor cage, but he does pee sit sometimes in his little litter box which I change when I see the shavings are soaked and he has marble tiles to sit on. I tried to take pictures, but you know how wiggly they are. He doesn't have any problems and he grooms normally, doesn't act like he's in pain, jumps around and still runs like crazy. I just don't want to traumatize him with a trip to the vet (though with the daily vitamin E, I think I'm doing that already). He usually gets a dust bath daily, he doesn't stay in long, maybe 5 minutes max, because we live in humid Hawaii (he's never gotten dry ears or anything).

Any input is appreciated!


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Unfortunately the forum is having issues with photo uploading. Could you host your pictures at an outside hosting site (such as photobucket or tiny pic) and post them? Chins naturally have some callous on their feet. You don't want to overuse Vit E as making the feet too soft can actually do more harm than good; it's much like a dog's paw pad and the roughness protects the foot.
Thanks Stackie, here is an imgur link (I hope it works!)

Yes, and I worry that I'm stressing him out, but he's gone through periods where he doesn't want to associate with me. He loves the hand feeding of hay and pellets and his scritches. I know he's developed the calluses after I got him the chin spin. He absolutely loves it and runs all <bleep> night and during the day when he wants attention.
Poop boy is mad at me. He'll nibble me but he won't let me hold him because he doesn't want the stuff on his feet. I have stopped since 1/10 and I haven't tried to snag him to check his feet because he's getting really skittish of me grabbing him. He'll accept skritches, hay, pellets and even sit on the back of my arm (and poop on me) but he won't let me hold him.
Just an update. I let him out (usually I make him "cuddle" (step into my hands and I carry him out of the cage)) and he ran all over - pooping everywhere, of course - he ran off at first, then circled back around me and sat up next to my leg and let me pick him up :D so maybe he's getting over being mad at me. Thanks for your help, Stackie!
Soooo.... I got my furbaby a new cage, a Ferret Nation double unit, and for the first week, he was very depressed and I was worried about constipation, then soft poops. He was still eating and drinking the second day in his new cage, so I wasn't freaking out much (well, I was, but I knew it would just take time as things were getting better slowly).

On Wed 12/2, I came home and there were blood spots (probably about 12) on one of his ledges! OMG! I was cleaning his cage anyways, so I wiped everything down with a hot vinegar/water solution and wiped his right back foot. There was a little tiny smudge of blood, but it had stopped. He was jumping all over the top part of the cage while I cleaned the bottom, and still no blood. I put some Neutrogena lotion (I had just tossed out the jar of bag balm because it was leaking) and no dust bath.

Today, Thurs 12/3, still no bleeding and I bought bag balm so I put that on both of his feet. I normally give him a dust bath every day because it's humid here in Hawaii, and he honestly never stays in more than 5 minutes.

Did I dry out his feet with these daily dust baths? He does have callouses because he loves to run a lot on his Chin Spin. Should I do no dust bath and just bag balm once a day on his feet? The chin burrito thing was much harder than I imagined. He is pretty good about using his litter boxes (I had to get a bigger one and a second small one now that he has all fleece liners), but should I change the litter every day? I can put less and do that.

Sorry, this whole new cage thing and him being depressed and poopy/not poopy is trying, and I get super worried thinking he is sick when I was just trying to make him happy with a bigger cage.
Do his feet look red? Puffy? Let him walk on a white piece of paper see if anything smudges. I would be cautious with doing the bag balm too much. If his feet get too soft, it could be an issue later. Ie: splinters. Those callouses protect his feet from nicks and scratches. When you got the new cage, did you add anything else new? Are his wood items very rough?

You said before his ears aren't dry or flaky? Well I would hold off on the dust for a day or so- possibly cut back on the baths to once every other day and see if it's acceptable.

For my sulky girl who pouts without her bath I don't wipe out the dust residue. I let her in and she has her "shower". She thinks she got the bath experience, with 1/100th of the dust involved.

I hope your fuzzball is doing better!
Thanks Kokorobosoi for your input!

Almost everything in his cage is brand new, except for the ChinSpin. The ledges are actually pretty nicely sanded (I got two different sets - one from Fleece for Furries and one from My Critter Store/Ridge Chinchillas), but I can definitely sand those a bit more. I even got him brand new white granite slabs (maybe I need to sand those a bit).

I think I need to get better at putting the bag balm only on the bottom. He keeps licking/chewing on his foot and it looks like he's missing hair now :( sigh. The link in my reply has pictures, and his feet aren't red nor puffy, just a scab/cut in that one spot that bled. His feet do look dry, but his ears are fine. I'm kind of tempted to treat his cut/crack like I do mine, a squirt of Bactine and some Neosporin! There's way too much differing information on the internet :/

I like your idea for the dust house, I'll dump out the dust and let him roll in the empty house. I was putting some dust on the fleece liner and he was rubbing his head in it.

Maybe I'm mothering him too much! He honestly does not seem bothered by it, but more bothered by my first aid maneuvers.
If he isn't red not puffy or inflamed then I, personally, would leave him be for now. Just check his feet and cage as often as you can. I would use playtime for this. i just tested an idea- go find a clear casserole dish in the kitchen and get your chin to hop into it. Or a bowl, etc. as long as it is clear. I used a piece of plexiglass that I had and popped it in like a shelf. Had my girl hop on to get a peek under her. Or if you can so your chin to stretch out on the side of the cage- think of how they check tigers at the zoo through the fence. Try to find a way of checking without the burrito. Less stress on the chin who avoids the burrito, less stress on you since you can check all you want that way.

I looked again at the photo--- and it looks almost like a hotspot- like he chewed himself trying to get the "goop" off. If he is really bothered by it it could be doing more harm than good. Just try to relax!!

Hope all is well.
Thanks Kokorobosoi :) I left him alone, and he is happier and I haven't noticed any blood. I still snuggle him because, dammit, I want snuggles :D and the red spot looks better. I always rub the tops of his feet when I'm scritching him all over, and he doesn't seem to be bothered or in pain when I do it, so hopefully, he is over it.
Yes, thank you! As much as I take care of him, he takes care of me :) So I worry a lot about him being happy and healthy.