baby proof cages

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OK, so I THOUGHT my cage was babyproof, and these little monsters have proven to me that they can escape.

So, i put a baby crib bumper pad up around, worked for a day, and again, they are out.

Yesterday, I got a roll of hardware cloth & wired it ALL over the sides of the cage, hoping it would prevent them from getting out, I woke up at 3 am to the sound of a squeaking baby, and he is sitting in the middle of my floor squeaking at me...

I have NO clue as to HOW he is getting out, there is another flat bottomed cage on top of this one.

So, what does everyone use? I am to the point of buying a new cage. I don't want them getting hurt by the cats or dogs, or simply by being out of the cage!

Definately need suggestions/ideas.

They are currently in a marichiro cage (which is what I use for my guinea pigs)
Did you put hardware cloth over the top of the cage, too?

If there is a hole that is any larger than maybe 1"x 3/4" of an inch in a cage with babies, the babies WILL find that hole and merrily escape. I had that problem with babies escaping through the top...when the hole is dead in the middle and way up high where no one could imagine the baby could even possibly maneuver his little body!
No I didn't, but I will do that,I still have half a roll left. I never imagined these little furries could climb so well. they aren't even a week old!!

This is a whole new learning experience for me! I have had babies of all sorts of animals (guinea pigs, hamsters, kittens, puppies, goats, chicks, even degus etc) but NEVER had any so determined to escape consantly! LOL
They never really lose that urge to escape... ;) Chins are just different like that. Their little brains are always thinking about how they can do bad things and get out so that they can chew on new things that they know they aren't allowed to have. :D
I totally believe that one! Luna was snuggling on my bed with me last week, as we were watching tv, and I hear her gnawing, and realize she is eating the frame of my waterbed!!

Even though they can be monsters, I Still LOVE them, so different than the other small animals I have.

I am excited for my blue cloud dust to come in. I have been waiting for almost a week now! It's supposed to be in tomorrow (and of course, i have to work!) but we are out of the cheap stuff (that came with them) and I refused to buy more. they will live until the good stuff arrives! :)
When you add wire to the outside you have to be sure to attach it in enough places so, they can't squeeze through and get between the cage wire and the additional wire. Your little one may have been escaping that way.
And yeah, I learned the lesson about covering the top with my first (surprise) kits. The cage was 2 1/2 ft tall and I didn't think about them climbing all the way to the top until we found one roaming the house!
Aren't those amazing little spider chins just the cutest. I currently have 3 cages that are baby proof. One of them is covered in hardware cloth the other two are quality cage models that were ordered with the baby proof wire. My husband and I are planning on buying a couple more baby proof cages from quality cages. That way we will be sure that we will not have any more problems with escapes.