Baby proof cage questions

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Aug 13, 2011
Until approximately what age must a baby chinchilla be in baby proof cage? I want to buy a cage from quality cage company but the wire is 1in x 1in. Will this be too big for a 3 month old chinchilla? plz reply
my chinchilla that i will be getting is only gonna be 10 weeks. i have the marshall ferret estate. and i'm putting up a mesh hardware cloth since that spacing is 1 inch.
hey i didn't think of that. next time i go to home depot i'll have a look around. How long are you going to use the hardware cloth?
It's hard to give an approximation. Chins will continue to surprise you in this manner. Many times when i looked at my kits and thought 'na.. shes way to big to fit though now' and then the next thing i no, shes slipping right through them again.

Also a warning in this; You want to make sure sure the chin is definitely big enough not to fit though. Iv seen kits try to fit though 1 inch bars and get stuck half way though.

I don't wanna scare you or anything, but better safe then sorry.
i'll probably use the hardware cloth for a couple years. just until i see that she is big and fluffy and then i'll think about taking it off.
It's hard to give an approximation. Chins will continue to surprise you in this manner. Many times when i looked at my kits and thought 'na.. shes way to big to fit though now' and then the next thing i no, shes slipping right through them again.

Also a warning in this; You want to make sure sure the chin is definitely big enough not to fit though. Iv seen kits try to fit though 1 inch bars and get stuck half way though.

I don't wanna scare you or anything, but better safe then sorry.

Yea i definitely dont want her escaping or hurting herself. Thanks for the advice.
Most of quality cages give you the option of having the 1/2 inch spacing - have you double checked?

yea ive looked on,, and they have really nice baby cages but they have very small doors and the spacing is too small to interact with them through the cage. I really like the large double doors that come with some ferret cages as it would make cleaning and interacting a lot easier.
I believe i had to keep my cage cover till around 2-3 months old. But each chin its its own size and grows its own way.
i didnt think it needed to be on for a couple years but wasn't sure. mine will be 10 weeks when i get her. but i'm getting the hardware cover just to be on the safe side i don't wanna risk anything.