Since I don't know how much you have actually research or where you have gotten your info so far I'll give you more of a run down of chinchilla care in general.
In addition to what I have already mentioned...
For a cage, the minimum size is 2'x2'x2' (8 cubic feet) per chinchilla, but for comfort you want at least 2'x2'x3' (12 cubic feet) per chin, more room is always better though. Kits under 6 months need a cage with bar spacing no bigger then 1/2", adults need bar spacing no bigger then 1".
I know this is a 3 week old not a 8 week old, but this video shows how well even at that young age they can jump (the horizontal bars are 6" apart) as well as how easily a kit can escape 1" wide bars.
For a hiding house
A wood house to hide and sleep in, either the standard huts or the bendable wooden bridge type. Fleece hanging houses are popular with some chinchillas.
A hammock made of fleece, the type made completely of fleece including the straps or one with metal hooks.
Tubes are another popular hiding place for chins, either fleece covered or not, 4" or larger water grade pvc pipe, metal pipe, clay pipe, or cardboard tube. (PVC pipe and cardboard need to be covered in fleece to prevent chewing)
A mentioned fleece works so long as the chinchilla doesn't chew it.
Wood shavings, pine or aspen. Cedar should NOT be use as it is poisonous.
Other bedding to avoid would be paper bedding like Carefresh as well as pellet litter if you chinchilla has access to the bedding since some chinchillas eat it and it's designed to expands when wet and could cause an intestinal blockage.
Food and Water:
Ceramic bowls, heavy enough to not be tipped, or coop cups that attach to the cage work best. Free feeders are convenient but allow for large amounts of waste, contaminated food, and you are unable to measure food intake easily.
Glass water bottles are best, chinchillas chew through plastic bottles, change the water frequently to keep it fresh and free of mold and fungus.
Hay feeders can be hanging or a bowl, but a lot of chins will pee on hay that is on the ground. Make sure if using a hanging holder that the chin can't get trapped in it.
Dust bath:
Chinchillas require dust baths, not water baths. Glass fish bowls, large bowls, cookie jars, and plastic dust houses all work well. In this case plastic is fine to use since the bath should never be left in the cage for very long or unsupervised.
- Chinchillas should be bathed in a dust bath, using fine chinchilla dust not bath sands (they can damage their coat) and not water. Depending on climate and time of year offer them a bath 1-3 times a week. If the coat looks greasy offer more, if the skin (on ears and feet) looks dry and/or cracking offer fewer bathes. Fewer baths are better then too many, greasy fur will not kill a chinchilla, where as an infection that gets in from cracked dry skin can. Dry skin can be treated using Bag Balm or pure vitamin E oil.
Some general info
- Chinchillas live 15-20+ years the oldest recorded was nearly 30 years old!
- Chinchillas are native to a low temp and low humidity environment, and require similar in captivity. Temps below 75F and humidity below 50%, ideally below 40%, in most areas of the world air conditioning is the only way of maintaining these conditions year round. I suggest keeping the temp 70 or below just to give you some wiggle room should the AC or power goes out. They can survive very low temps, below freezing, so long as their water doesn’t freeze. Although they can survive low temps they do risk getting sick though, just like a human outside in the cold.
- When getting an additional chinchilla it’s best to isolate the new chinchilla in a different part of the house then any current chins for 30 days. This not only allows the chinchilla to settle in to it’s new home but also gives enough time for any possible illness to show up before you allow contact with existing chinchillas.
- Most chinchillas are not cuddly, and most do not even like being held, but they can learn to tolerate it over time. It can take days to years to fully bond with a chinchilla, it all comes down to personality. Kits can normally be easier/faster since they hopefully haven't had any bad experiences with humans yet. The best ways to bond include, sitting by the cage talking, reading aloud, singing, and just being there quietly watching. Treats (for chins over 6 months) can also be useful during the bonding process, just keep the one treat a day max rule in mind (less is healthier), sticks and favorite bits of hay (some chins really love the timothy hay seed heads) can be used unlimited for more frequent “treat” giving.
- Chinchillas vary in size from 400-1,000+ grams. (find out what the parents weigh to know how much your chin should weigh) The best way to weigh a chinchilla is with a scale that measures grams (most kitchen scales do). Also weigh the chinchilla at the same time each time since weight can vary due to when the chinchilla has last eaten, drank, pooped, or peed. Many times the first sign of illness is weight loss, before they even show other symptoms of being sick.