Baby chin and wheel?

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Apr 26, 2010
Indiana, PA
What is the earliest age that a chinchilla kit should be given an exercise wheel? Alice is now 4 months old, if that helps.

Lauren it sort of depends on her size. You need to make sure you are getting a good wheel for your chin, something that won't break toes or legs--the wire mesh wheels are not a good choice. She may be too tiny to move around the chin spin and you may want to wait until she is older. Chin Spin comes from Quality Cage. I had a couple of chins start on their wheel at 4 months though and they are still going strong!

I am aware that most wheels at petstores are not good for chinchillas. I have been trying to decide between the chinspin and the flying saucer, but wanted to wait until she was old enough to purchase one. As her size goes, she is about 7.5" from head to bum (not including her tail).
My girl got her wheel when she was three or four months old, and it took her forever to figure out how to use it! She finally came around and after about three months or so figured it out. It's a flying saucer wheel, so it's slanted. For the longest time she would just perch on the arm that attaches it to the cage and sleep there. I was beginning to think I had bought the most expensive perch ever until she started using it. :)
I'm a really big fan of the flying saucer too. I don't think they can outgrow it. If you support it right, they can be relatively quiet.

It can take chins longer to figure out though. My oldest boy got it when he was 3 or 4 months, picked it up in less than a week, and is now addicted. My younger boy is almost three, and won't run on it, but he's never lived full-time in a cage with it; just random playtimes. He likes to perch on it though. I think most of them will eventually figure out the saucer in time...
I was recently interested in finding this out so went on a search. I was looking particularly at the flying saucer as it is easier for me to get here in Canada. They recommend at least 3 months of age for the saucer.
Most say wait until 6 months. When chins are really young they are pretty darn crazy and have no sense in their head. Also, young chins need all the calories they can get since they are still growing.
Thanks everyone for your help! I think I am going to go ahead and purchase the flying saucer as soon as I save up enough money for it...I hate that it is so expensive though!! Little Alice is a pretty clever little girl, so she will probably get the hang of it eventually :p
Most say wait until 6 months. When chins are really young they are pretty darn crazy and have no sense in their head. Also, young chins need all the calories they can get since they are still growing.

This is the rule of thumb I sort of followed. That way I know for sure they are ok to start running.

Side note, I LOVE the saucer!!! I have both wheels, but I brace the saucer with a pine board on the outside of the cage, and never hear them:dance3:
I agree with Tara. With a brace (I have mine under the wheel, inside the cage) I don't hear a thing. I can't say the same for my Ed wheels and my Chin Spins.