Are my chins eating too much?

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
I read that 2 tablespoons of feed per chin was the standard, so that's what I had been going with.

I don't really measure it anymore, since I figured out that it's about the entire bottom of their food bowl covered up.

However, I've check their bowl before I leave in the mornings and several times I've found out it's empty.

They get fresh hay every day (which they finish off daily, too), and I keep hay cubes in their cage as well (I've seen them nibbling on them quite often).

I feel bad leaving their bowl empty, so I usually toss in a bit more, but I'm not sure if I should. Are they eating too much? Should I limit it?
Chins really don't overeat. I don't measure feed, I dump it in the feeder until it's at the top then I refresh it as it goes down. Chins don't always eat an entire pellet. They take a bite and toss, take a bite and toss. They also, if you use a bowl rather than a hanging feeder, dump 3/4 of the pellets into their bedding.
Hahaha, agreed to what Tunes said about dumping the pellets out. One of my chins literally tips the bowl over in his cage. I usually just fill it to the top when it's empty, and change it daily anyway :))
I used to have a chin whose favorite game was digging the food out of his bowl and watching it fall down to the bottom of the cage.
I always just keep the bowls full. So you would definitely be ok to put some more food in there when you feed them.
HAHAHA. That sounds like the baby that throws their spoon on the floor just to watch you pick it up! Priceless story.
Thanks everybody!

I'll definitely put more food in, then :)

I'd rather have them have extra instead of less than.
All my chins are fed 3 tablespoons daily.

Breeders get 3, but if feeder is empty I will add 1 more to the feeder.
i also keep their food bowls full, they won't overeat.. througout my life i have had 10, and never once saw one overeat,, some days they will, however, eat more than otherrs, thats normal.
I usually check my chin's bowl before I leave for school in the morning, if it is running low I add a handful to it.
My girls are fed freely, but my boy gets a few spoonfuls at a time. It's not overeating that's the problem with him, he just likes to dig it out of his bowl and toss it all over the place. Rotten little bugger :)
I have some chins that dig their food out too! I don't get why!
Anyhow, my chins are also free-fed.