Anyone play World of Warcraft

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Loves Her Chinnies
Jun 24, 2009
I have been playing WoW for a few years now and I was wondering if anyone else on here plays? If so let me know what realm and such.

My main:
Jayar-Blood Elf-Warlock-Horde-Khadgar

I also run a guild called Scions of Darkness...we had a falling out when I first started so I am waiting awhile to get it going again.

I have quite a few alts (i find it boring to play the same toon all the time). They include a priest, rogue, hunter, and druid.
I play WoW! thats so weird that i caught this post. i never look down at these misc threads lol.
My mains are on Shattered Hand (transfered from Black dragonflight). i have 80 NE hunter, and a NE holy priest.

i also have alts all over the place but none in ur realm =(

haha i can't believe this topic came up XD
i only play on Khadgar but if I ever make a toon on a different realm Ill talk to you first and maybe we can play together :)
i have been playing for over a year. i am in a guild that is usa top 300. my main is a hunter, i have full t8.5 and hard mode ulduar gear. name is timberwatch on anvilmar alliance
I used to play. It's an awesome game, but it's like crack. I recently did a free 10 day trial and it made me miss it. But I can't afford to spend money on a game.
I play WoW! thats so weird that i caught this post. i never look down at these misc threads lol.
My mains are on Shattered Hand (transfered from Black dragonflight). i have 80 NE hunter, and a NE holy priest.

i also have alts all over the place but none in ur realm =(

haha i can't believe this topic came up XD

I'm just as surprized as you are. I have alts spread across many realms as well, though I'm currently on Area 51, Horde side. Undead warlock, GO!
I play as well- I have both horde and alliance characters. Mostly on feathermoon...and a few others :) Havent played in a few weeks (been on vacation) And am also going to Blizzcon in August Im SOOO excited
Wow your going to Blizzcon!!! Lucky! I wanted to go so bad but dont have the money. :(
Does anyone have alts on khadgar by any chance??
I've been on and off for the last three years. Currently on, but will let the month expire due to a busy schedule. I'm not as addicted or active as most I've met, just play when I'm waiting for something or chatting up buddies that have moved away.

On Scarlet Crusade, got an 80 pally named SunsetChins as well as a few other alts.

The convention I'd love to hit is the Penny Arcade Expo, seems like I'm never in Seattle at the right time!
You guys crack me up. It's like you're speaking Klingon from Star Trek. My boys do this all the time, back and forth across the room, gabbing in some strange language I have no knowledge of, getting excited over bubbles and blobs or God knows what else.

I am old. I do not understand these things. :)
i'm sooo jealous ur going to blizz con. i live on the east coast so it'd be hard for me to get there. taking a vacation to California is what i traded in for to get a chin!
I had a friend who played, and was so addicted he lost his mid 6-figure salary because he was lying and going places during work hours to play. He said when he was on there were young teens on until he got off the game at like 2 am, then he'd get back on at 5 and they were still on were on during the day as well, and were skipping school.
yeah i've skipped many classes due to WoW. i used to be so addicted it was unhealthy. i'm a bit better now. i really don't play that much.
but seriously, WoW has ruined some of my grades in college.
I saw a lot of that too, I guess it's better than some addictions, but people a lot of people loose spouses and jobs to it.
the chinese government have restricted world of warcraft game play to a certain ammount of hours per day no joke!
The ISP's and phones are government controlled - when your IP addy or Mac address rolls over a certain amount of time on a port it shuts you off. WoW uses port 3724 - the university I worked at talked about filtering it entirely, but instead chose to limit bandwith for the game ports.

I'm kind of glad, less gold sellers about. It's a pretty profitable market there I hear.
People in China have died over WoW.
one couple completely neglected their baby cause of it, and the baby died.
another guy shook his baby to death cause the baby cried during something "important" in WoW.
and a few kids have commited suicide over it.
its crazy what a game can do.
I played on and off for a year and a half or so, and quit about a month after Wrath came out because I felt like I had to choose between enjoying the game and having a life. A few weeks after Wrath was out my main was at 75, while tons of people on my server made it to 80 in the first day or two. It's absolutely ridiculous how much time these people put into the game; they make it so that someone who plays for just a few hours most nights doesn't stand a chance of competing.
I admit that I miss it now and then, but I'm not going to ruin 7 1/2 months of being WoW-free by taking it up again. I feel like I'm "on the wagon." :p
Maybe we need to start a 12-step program for WoW?