Anyone ever think that the FN isn't safe?

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chin lover
Jan 29, 2009
Toledo, OH
I have 2 FN 142 cages but needed a few more cages for rescues. I have heard a few people tell me that the wire spacing of the FN cages is not safe for chins as they can wall surf and break a leg.

I got a Martin's yesterday and while it is a nice cage, I like the FN cages so much better.

Has anyone else ever had a chin break a leg in their FN? Or find anything else that makes the FN not safe?

Price wise, I can house 2 chins in the FN for the same price as the Martin's highrise that I only have 1 chin in.

Also the FN is so much easier to put together and I think that it looks nicer.

Any opinions?
I've had FN's now for a year and a half, and have had no safety issues with them at all.
I haven't had any issues either but have heard a few people tell me that my FN cages weren't as safe as the Martin's or QC cages
I have two girls in an FN 142, and the only problem I have had is those darn ramps!! I had to take one girl to the vet a few months ago because of a sore paw that we think she got from stepping funny on one of the ramps (it was when we had the cage divided into two separate cages). The ramps are long gone and we haven't had a problem since. I would say that as long as you remove the ramps, there shouldn't be much of a problem!
Some people do seem to think they aren't safe with the width but in all my reading of the FN (there's a HUGE thread in here on them only) I have yet to see a chin get injured in one. Maybe on the ramps, yes, but those need to be removed anyways.

IMO, a chin can possibly get hurt in ANY cage, ANY way...they are curious creatures. It's our job to keep an eye out and if something crazy does happen, report it here to share.

But I think the FN's are phenominal, and from what I've seen/read, everyone else does too...
I have a FN too. Yes...No cage safe...No matter how much you make it safe I am sure they would find another crazy way to hut themselves. Wee Eejits :)
I totally agree than any cage can end up being dangerous. Take the post about the "hanging chin" for example. Chins do the craziest things sometimes. Personally, I LOVE my FN and wouldn't trade it for anything. I feel it's more sanitary because it's so easy to clean and safer in some ways to some alternatives. For example, it keeps chins off the floor (where drafts normally are) because of the built in stand and, also, it's entirely escape-proof for an adult chin if the door is shut properly.
I have had mine now for a bit over 3 years and no safety issues, but accidents can happen at any time in any cage (even get their teeth stuck in safely spaced wire!) and I think you just have to be aware.
My Kiwi is a tripod (lost her left arm) due to an accident that happened in an FN. I do not blame the cage - if any of you have seen the video I posted of Kiwi popcorning like crazy you can see why.
It wasn't even her cage at the time, she was in a different cage, but it had the same exact wire spacing.

Kiwi does now reside in the top section only of her very own FN. Neither of my chins are big wall surfers.
My Kiwi is a tripod (lost her left arm) due to an accident that happened in an FN. I do not blame the cage - if any of you have seen the video I posted of Kiwi popcorning like crazy you can see why.
It wasn't even her cage at the time, she was in a different cage, but it had the same exact wire spacing.

Kiwi does now reside in the top section only of her very own FN. Neither of my chins are big wall surfers.

How did it happen? Was it the wall or a ramp:?
My biggest concern, especially with the two levels, is the height. You gotta make sure you have those babies well shelved so if a chin misses a shelf, they don't fall the 5 feet to the bottom of the cage. So extra hammocks, shelves on the doors, along the middle, on the sides, are always a good safety mechanism to break falls. Also, just make sure you don't use those ramps. Shelves are just a much safer option. Otherwise, no major concerns here.
I have one and feel as though if someone could find the huge safety issue it would be Bria. She is the most spazziest thing ever. This girl can not run on the homemade wheels that some people sell on here simply because she can't keep herself on them. Chinspin awesome running abilities on the old wheel...not so much.
I didn't like the FN originally when it posted in pics, but now that I do have it I wish I could find the add-on for a cheap price. If you have chins passing through both sections I would imagine if you have accident proned chins you would just use the 2nd full level to help with falls.
Chins do crazy things, even in the "safest" cage you'll find a chin that got injured. Besides my pans being nonfunctional due to chewing, I have had no problems. I have to be careful about closing the door, not to pinch paws or heads that are trying to escape.
How did it happen? Was it the wall or a ramp:?

She was in Bellas cage, Bella in hers. I had just started the process of intro's. In Bella's cage, there are wood shelves with wood edges to keep poo in, that run along the back and sides of each shelf. Kiwi somehow managed to get her left arm between one of those edge pieces and the cage bars, and her arm slipped down until she was caught. I'm not sure if her arm snapped when this happened, or if it broke while she was trying to free herself. She was like that for about an hour until I found her.

this is Kiwi just under the shelf where it happened

this is the scene of the accident.

Poor Baby was probably petrified. Well I hope she gets around ok now-- but technically it wasn't the bar spacing of the FN that did it but rather a freak accident of how the shelf was positioned.
Super cute chinnie-- Thanks for sharing,
I always tend to lean towards the fact that they aren't safe...but they are good cages. I'd much rather see a chin in a FN than a super pet cage for the mere fact that the FN cages wires run vertically rather than horizontally. If the chin is wall surfing they are less likely to get thier leg stuck in the vertically running bars. That being said.....I usualy do recommend QC cages or Martins. But IF the FN is what they decide on, I do require they replace the ramps and ledges with wood.

I have on FN cage here that I only pull out for emergencies (if I run out of cage space and a chin REALLY needs taken in) SO far I've had no problems with it whatsoever. I know many people that use them as well and seem to really love them and have had no injuries due to them.
The thing with wooden shelves in the ferret nation is that you have to take out the notch where they meet the big tube bars. This way they will sit flush. A lot of people don't realize this. Any easy way to solve this problem is by not using full length shelves. Or if you have to have them make sure to make that little notch on each side. Hope this helps ya'll out if you're worried about that happening to your chin.

She was in Bellas cage, Bella in hers. I had just started the process of intro's. In Bella's cage, there are wood shelves with wood edges to keep poo in, that run along the back and sides of each shelf. Kiwi somehow managed to get her left arm between one of those edge pieces and the cage bars, and her arm slipped down until she was caught. I'm not sure if her arm snapped when this happened, or if it broke while she was trying to free herself. She was like that for about an hour until I found her.

this is Kiwi just under the shelf where it happened

this is the scene of the accident.

I agree. Unless you want to wrap your chin in bubblewrap, they're going to get hurt at one point or another (usually). No cage is 100 percent safe, but if you've had a good success rate thus far I don't see a problem. I've had the Fn for a week now and no problems what so ever, not even clumsiness.