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Mar 10, 2013
Many people from Hawaii probably have had the same topic title of their post so here's another one from another Hawaii person.
Oh yeah that's where I'm from, Hi.

And my nickname is AJ I'm 23 years old my GF Kia just made 21. We both are parents to 2 Chinchilla's named Chili (we named her this because it's a very original name and nobody else in my friendslist has it since I'm the only person who owns chinchilla's anyway. Chili is also PREGNANT!!) and Tama (it's a Japanese name for something I don't know but it's a weird name to me and I like weird and different so I have no problem with that all courtesy from my lovely girlfriend.) If Chili had a Girl and a Boy that's exactly what their names would be because I'm a guy and we like plain and simple that gets straight to the point. Yeah.

Tama is 7 months old now and Chili is 3 months old (pregnant) but her age is 9 months. Sorry.

Well.. I don't really know what else to say but I'll just say the usual. I guess, "I love them with all my heart." "Their so cute and adorable". "I hug them and hold them in my arms for more than 10 seconds." (this statement is false). and "cleaning up after they run around the house is as easy as sweeping poo under the rug." (this statement is true... (false)).

Okay now enough of being too serious.
We're proud parents of the Chinchilla's and are a happier couple than we once were before we got them. We like to spend money and spoil them all the time to make sure they get the best of the best. We got them because we wanted to prepare ourselves for the future when we get our very own babies. And cleaning up after them, feeding them, caring and loving them really builds your character as a future parent. I'm thankful that my GF had such a must-get-must-have-cute-fluffy-adorable-chinchilla attitude in the Pet Store. Because without them I'm not too sure if I would have learned how to stop being a spoiled brat myself and learn to do Chores. Well thanks for Tama and Chili for nice time that it's been so far!

Thank you for maybe accepting me into the community but I`m here while I'm still able to, to share my experiences, stories, pictures and other things that should not be said or seen and also to gain more knowledge on Chinchilla's in General.

P.S I'm sorry for drinking Hennessy before I posted this.
Kia ora from New Zealand:)

"Tama" also means "son", or "boy" in Maori!!

Can't wait to see some pics of your chin family!