Almost two week old Chin issue

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Mar 9, 2009
I have been reading through so many posts and have come across nothing indicating if my baby chins should be having super soft poos. They have been mushy for at least 3-4 days at this point.
Also, one of the babies has severed her tail. I can not seem to find the other piece of it and have looked through the entire cage. Is it possible the mother may have done this for some reason? I have cleaned the area with Blu Kote and bandaged it. Is there more I should do? Any ideas why this may have happened?
2 week old kits should not have soft poo. You might try giving them some human baby oat meal.
Did the kit with a severed tail have a tail when she was born? Sometimes moms injure a kit's tail while trying to deliver the kit. Blue kote is fine but I would remove the bandage if mom hasn't already removed it. Keep the cage clean and watch the tail for infection.
It's fairly uncommon for such young kits to have diarrhea since they are getting their nutrition from the mother. I've had it happen a couple of times. Most of the time I give a little probiotic and that will clear it up in a day or so.

Make sure that the waterbottle is clean and that the cage is clean as well. A dirty cage and bottle can lead to problems with mushy droppings in any chins.

I'm hoping that this is just a simple problem that will be easy to correct. As for the tail...the mother may have done it. Keep it clean and check it every day for possible signs of infection.
The tail was completely fine when she was born, and in fact up until today. I went to check on them and noticed the tail was about half the length and bloody at the end. I didn't know if Momma would mess with it if I didn't bandage it, but I will remove the bandage, because I certainly dont want them messing with it.
As for the soft poos, I can think of nothing that has changed and their poos seemed normal at first. I will have to keep an eye on it. I do have some probiotic as well that I will give to them. I have some Lifeline too, do you think that would help in getting them "regular" or better not to mess with the feedings that their mother is giving them.
Life Line is good, but only if the babies eat it. Hopefully they will be curious about it and eat some...but chances are that mama will eat it all before they get a chance. I don't know if you want to handfeed them since they are nursing well. I'd probably sprinkle probiotic in the food and try to get the kits to eat dry Life Line.